Spiritual Indicators Am I Growing As I Should?
Examination is a part of life – and important! We understand this in many areas of life – our schooling (tests), our heath, our finances, our possessions (cars, etc.). In each of these, if there is a problem, we address it to make improvement Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
But what about our spiritual health? Our physical bodies are only temporary and will wear out – Ecclesiastes 12:1-8, James 4:14 But our souls will live on eternally. So it behooves us to take care of our spiritual bodies as well. Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
We have emphasized our need to go on to perfection (Hebrews 6:1) But where do we begin? We begin with a spiritual examination. A spiritual audit! While audits are not pleasant, they can be beneficial 2 Corinthians 13:5, Galatians 6:4 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
To do this, let us notice some “spiritual indicators” We need to look at where we are and compare that with where we ought to be! Hebrews 5:12-14 To do this, let us notice some “spiritual indicators” Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Spiritual indicators An indicator is a device or standard that tells you where you are (thermometer, speedometer, a checklist, etc.) Indicators help us determine if we are where we are supposed to be so that we can make adjustments if needed Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Spiritual indicators Spiritual indicators are standards found in God’s word that help us determine where we are in relation to where we ought to be spiritually. James 1:22-25 They are determined by noticing what the Bible says about a subject and then asking some pointed questions to see where we are! Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
What is my priority? Priority – a thing regarded as more important than other things, that which is of first concern. There can only be one true priority! Matthew 6:33, 10:37-38; Acts 5:29, etc. Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
What is my priority? It is easy to say God is first, but do we genuinely put that into practice? When I act do I seriously consider how it will affect my standing before God? For what am I willing to sacrifice myself? When faced with a choice, does serving God typically win? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
What is my priority? What if I were the rich young ruler? (Matthew 19:16-26) What if I were Peter standing before the counsel? (Acts 5:29) What if I were Joseph? (Genesis 39:9) Am I totally honest with myself when I ask these things? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I study my Bible? The Bible is more than a book of Philosophy It is the word of God! 1 Thessalonians 2:13 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – it makes us complete 2 Timothy 2:15 – we are to rightly divide it! We need a steady diet of the Bible – 2 Peter 3:18 Acts 17:11 – like the Bereans Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I study my Bible? How much time do I give to learning the word of God? How well do I know the Bible? Do I know more now than when I first obeyed? Do I know more than last year? Hebrews 5:12-14 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I study my Bible? Do I love His law? Psalm 1:1-2 Does my mind default to His word for answers? Can I share His word with others? Can I defend my faith? 1 Peter 3:15 Can I recognize error? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I pray as I should? Effective communication is a two way street Prayer is how we communicate with God It is a privilege for Christians 1 John 5:14-15, 1:9 Hebrews 4:16 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Even Jesus prayed – Luke 5:16 (Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:22-23) Do I pray as I should? We need to pray often! Luke 18:1-8, esp. 7-8 Ephesians 6:18, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Even Jesus prayed – Luke 5:16 (Mark 1:35, Matthew 14:22-23) Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I pray as I should? How often do I pray? Is it how I begin and end my day? Do others know that I pray? Daniel 6:10, Cf. Matthew 6:5-8 What and who do I pray for? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Seven days without prayer makes one WEAK! Do I pray as I should? Do I pray with faith, James 1:5-6 Do I believe that God answers prayers? 1 John 5:14-15 Do I turn to Him with my struggles? 1 Peter 5:7 Do I turn to Him in gratitude? Ephesians 5:20 Seven days without prayer makes one WEAK! Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I control my tongue? James 3:1-12 describes the power of the tongue Though small, it is powerful Out of the heart, the mouth speaks Matthew 12:34-36 Proverbs 10:19 Words DO hurt! Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I control my tongue? Before I speak, do I THINK! Is it… True Helpful Inspiring Necessary Kind How well do I manage my words? Do I in anger say things that are sinful? James 1:19 Do I blaspheme God? Am I guilty of gossip? Are my words totally truthful? Do I use my words for good? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I understand repentance? A subject misunderstood by many Repentance is a changing of one’s mind (that leads to a true change in conduct) 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I understand repentance? Do we emphasize repentance as we ought to? Part of obeying the gospel - Acts 2:38, 3:19 How many fall away too soon because they fail to understand this? Part of the Christian life when we sin – Acts 8:22, etc. Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Do I understand repentance? How well am I dealing with my sins? Am I genuinely trying to repent when I do wrong? Do I find myself caught up in the same sinful behaviors over and over? What steps am I taking to remove temptations from my life? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
How much do I care about others? The Christian’s life is not just about you! Yes we have personal responsibility – Galatians 6:5 We need to care about others! Galatians 5:13 Philippians 2:3-4 cf. Matthew 5:44-48 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
How much do I care about others? “Love your neighbor as yourself” Matthew 22:39, James 2:8, Romans 13:9 We are in the world! John 17:15-17, Philippians 2:14-15 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
How much do I care about others? Do I genuinely love (care about) my neighbor? Am I willing to serve those in need, even sacrificing? Do I think about their soul? Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
How much do I care about others? Am I pleasant to be around? Does the light of the gospel shine in me? Matthew 5:13-16 We HAVE to care! If we are to make society a better place, it will happen ONE neighbor at a time! Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
These are some spiritual indicators with which we can gauge where we are in relation to where we ought to be. IF I find a need for change, I need to repent and get to work becoming what God wants you to be! Remember Matthew 28:19-20 Tip: Add your own speaker notes here.
Are you ready to stand before God?