Insects How much do you know?
How many legs do insects have?
All insects have 6 legs.
How many body parts do insects have?
Insects have 3 body parts. They are called: Head Thorax Abdomen
Name the 3 body parts on this insect.
There are 2 insects in this picture. How come one looks like a worm?
Some insects go through 4 stages in their lifecycle: From an egg...
to a larva - the eating phase...
to a pupa or chrysalis, when great changes occur, and finally to...
an adult!
This is the adult stage of a Mayfly This is the adult stage of a Mayfly. What stage will come next in its life cycle?
Butterflies go through 4 stages in their life cycle: egg - larva - chrysalis - adult What stage is this?
Is this an insect? How can you tell?
Is this an insect? How can you tell?