Pages 124 and 125
Life Cycle A super worm is actually in it’s larval stage when it is a worm. As an adult, the super worm turns into a beetle. Other names are flour or grain beetle.
Life Cycle There are 4 parts to each super worm life cycle. Egg Larva Pupa Adult The first part of the life cycle only lasts from 3 months.
The Egg Small and white Hard to see They hatch in a couple of days!!! Shortest part of the life cycle.
Larval Cycle The longest part of the cycle. This is when it is a worm. The worm sheds it’s exoskeleton lots of times. This is called molting. This makes it grow one section each time. The last MOLT turns into the pupae!!!
Pupae This is the stage when metamorphosis takes place! The super worms will begin to curl inwards. Their head will curl towards their tail. They make a cocoon out of silk! It will harden and make a shell. This stage takes about 10-14 days. A beetle will emerge when it’s done!
The last stage- Adult First they are white/yellow and soft. Then they harden and turn from white to black! Adult beetles live for 3-15 years. During this time the female beetles need to lay eggs. They lay about 500 eggs!!!
Finish the following pages 116, 121, 122 (molting). Page 2 of your Superworm Booklets. We are on day 5!