Diversity of the Heterotrophic Plankton Community ZOOPLANKTON Diversity of the Heterotrophic Plankton Community
Major Groups of Zooplankton Ciliates Rhizopods Rotifers Cladocerans Copepods
Ciliate Zooplankton Animal-like unicellular heterotrophs. All have two different types of nuclei. They move and feed by cilia.
Some common ciliates in the microzooplankton community Stentor Halteria Tintinnida
Rhizopod Zooplankton These are amoeboid unicellular heterotrophs Most common taxa observed in the microzooplankton are thecate like Difflugia.
Actinopod Zooplankton These are free-floating cells with radiating axopods. e.g. Actinosphaerium.
Turbellarian Zooplankton These are free-living flatworms that live in stagnant pools and eutrophic lakes. e.g. Stenostomum
Rotiferan Zooplankton Animal heterotrophs that feed by ciliary pads surrounding the mouth. All have a specialized “jaws” called trophi in the gullet. Many are covered by a lorica.
Typical Life Cycle of a Rotifer
Some Rotifers in the Zooplankton Keratella Polyarthra Filinia
More Rotifers Brachionus Asplanchna Conochilus
Annelid Zooplankton Oligochaete segmented worm. e.g. Aeolosoma
Arthropod Zooplankters Most freshwater taxa are Crustaceans (arthropods with cephalothorax and abdomen) Order Anostraca Order Ostracoda Order Cladocera Order Copepoda Suborder Calanoida Suborder Cyclopoida Suborder Harpacticoida
Anostracan Zooplankton Fairy Shrimp Clam Shrimp Tadpole Shrimp
Ostracod Zooplankters Sometimes called seed shrimp. Rarely in the euplankton.
Cladoceran Zooplankton
Cladoceran Life Cycle
Filter-Feeding Cladocerans Holopedium Diaphanosoma Chydorus
More Filter-Feeding Cladocerans Daphnia Bosmina Moina
Predaceous Cladocerans Leptodora Polyphemus
Copepod Diversity Suborder Cyclopoida Suborder Calanoida Suborder Harpacticoida
Copepod Life Cycle
Calanoid Copepods Diaptomus Epischura Limnocalanus
Cyclopoid Copepods Cyclops Macrocyclops Megacyclops
Harpacticoid Copepods