SPACE! Maths PSED Understanding the World EAD Literacy


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Presentation transcript:

SPACE! Maths PSED Understanding the World EAD Literacy Find one more and two more than any number to 10. One more than numbers to 20. Compare two weights using language of heavier and lighter. Use uniform non-standard units to measure weights Recognise and sort 3D shapes including cube, cuboid and sphere. Count back from 20 to 0. Compare numbers to 20. Read numbers to 20, match numerals to sets. Recognise 1p, 2p, 5p and 10p coins and know the value of each. Know how key times of day (hours only) are shown on the clock, analogue and digital. Begin to know months of the year, including important months, e.g. birthday, celebrated festivals. PSED To look after the world around us. To talk confidently in a familiar group. To learn to be sensitive towards others ideas and feelings. To identify different feelings and emotions. To talk about how they and others show emotions. To understand their own behaviour and be aware of consequences. Understanding the World We will be learning about: How to look after the Earth. The sun and why it is important. Light and dark – the effects on plants. The sun, earth and moon. The solar system. Constellations. SPACE! EAD Represent our own ideas, thoughts and feelings through art, dance and role-play. Experiment with colour, design, form and function. Explore a range of materials, tools and techniques. We will be creating: Space station control panels Space food Representations of the sun and moon Van Gogh style starry skies Literacy We will use our topic to support our learning. We will: Identify the differences between fiction and non fiction. Create information pages. Write instructional text. Label diagrams. Write alternative story endings. Use capital letters and full stops correctly. Use descriptive language. Continue a rhyming string. Physical Development Move safely and actively about the space. Understand how to use equipment for it's intended purpose. Importance of exercise and a healthy diet.