INTRODUCTION The Second Quarterly Report on the performance of the DBE in meeting its strategic objectives for 2011/12 is presented in the context of the following significant activities: The key event in this period has been the signing of the NEDLAC Accord on Basic Education and Partnerships with Schools by leaders of organised labour, Business Unity South Africa, community constituencies present in NEDLAC and the Minister of Basic Education on behalf of Government. Another key development by the end of the quarter was that the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) Grades R-12 had been gazetted as national education policy. Final preparations for the 2011 Grade 12 Examinations.
PROGRAMMES OF THE DBE The Annual Performance Plan summarises the priorities of the DBE as aligned to the Delivery Agreement of OUTCOME 1: Improving the quality of Basic Education and the Action Plan to 2014: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2025 . The activities of the DBE have been structured into five programmes as elaborated in the Annual Performance Plan: PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION PROGRAMME 2: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING PROGRAMME 3: TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME 4: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAMME 5: EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES
NUMBER OF TARGETS FOR ALL DBE PROGRAMMES PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 23 38% Bi-annual Targets 3 5% Annual Targets 35 57% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 61 100%
PROGRAMME ONE: ADMINISTRATION The purpose of Programme One is to manage the Department and provide strategic and administrative support services. SUB-PROGRAMMES Legal and Legislative Services Media Liaison International Relations and Multilateral Affairs Provincial Support and Delivery
PROGRAMME ONE : NUMBER OF TARGETS PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 3 38% Annual Targets 5 62% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 8 100%
PROGRAMME ONE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of Induction programmes for new entrants to the Department. 30 Annual Target internships implemented for unemployed Graduates in the Department. 50 training/ professional development opportunities for DBE officials. 257 multilateral cooperation agreements being implemented. 8
PROGRAMME ONE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of court cases successfully resolved. 50% 10% 25% The number of basic Education Legislation drafted and signed into law. 4 Annual Target functional national and provincial communication platforms. 70% 20% 40% 15% (cumulative 35%) 35% queries from Provincial education departments 72% (cumulative 30%)
SECOND QUARTER TARGETS : PROGRAMME ONE PERFORMANCE NUMBER PERCENTAGE STATUS Target achieved 3 100% Progress is being made but some challenges are prevalent in attaining the target within planned time-frames 0% Target not achieved in planned time-frame
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The number of internships implemented for unemployed graduates in the department The DBE has implemented 30 internships throughout all Branches. These interns are being equipped with the skills and competencies of the workplace so that they could be appointed permanently when posts become vacant or take up similar posts in other departments. The number of training/ professional development opportunities for DBE officials The DBE has organised professional training for 94 officials. These courses have been identified for officials according to their skills gaps as well as their personal requests based on their performance assessments (PMDS). The percentage of court cases successfully resolved Legal Services has provided legal advice and opinions on all the matters sent to the directorate, and six out of 12 cases have been successfully resolved. The remaining six are still in court and there are prospects of winning. Compared to the previous quarter, the number of court cases and other correspondence dealt with has increased by 15%.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The number of basic education legislation drafted and signed into law In terms of the internal legislative processes, the Basic Education Laws Amendment Bill is 100% complete. The unit drafted the NEEDU Bill. The Regulations in terms of section 38A of SASA have been published for comment and the comments have been received. The number of multilateral co-operation agreements being implemented See 2nd Quarterly Report.
PROGRAMME ONE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS ORGANISATIONAL MATTERS: The DBE has started a process of internal reconfiguration to ensure that the Department meets its strategic intent as far as improving the quality of basic education and attaining the goals of Action Plan to 2014. In terms of policy formulation for internal HR policies, the DBE has finalised the leave policy as well as the subsistence and travelling allowance policy. The DBE has successfully implemented the Improvement in Conditions of Service (ICS) increases for all employees and adjustments to salaries were made in September. The DBE received a number of queries. 70% of these queries have been successfully addressed and those cases that are pending have been referred to Provincial Education Departments for resolution as these queries are matters of provincial competence.
PROGRAMME ONE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND MULTILATERAL AFFAIRS: A presentation was made to newly appointed ambassadors at DIRCO on 23 August 2011. The purpose of the presentation was to brief the ambassadors on the DBE, its objectives as well as on Action Plan 2014. Draft agreements on cooperation with China and Serbia are being negotiated. Agreement has been reached with the Japanese Government to send an education expert to assist the DBE in curriculum development in the area of mathematics and science for a period of two years.
PROGRAMME ONE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS LEGAL & LEGISLATIVE SERVICES: Policy development support was provided for the following : Learner Pregnancy Regulations (draft). Legal advice on the LTSM (submission, evaluation and adoption of LTSM). National Guidelines for School Library and Information Service. The NEEDU Bill was presented at the HEDCOM meeting of 29 and 30 August 2011 and at the CEM meeting of 22 September 2011.
PROGRAMME TWO: CURRICULUM POLICY, SUPPORT AND MONITORING The purpose of Programme Two is to develop policies and programmes to support and monitor the implementation of the national curriculum policy and support programmes that enhance curriculum outcomes in the basic education system from Grade R to 12. SUB-PROGRAMMES Curriculum Implementation and Monitoring of Grade R to 12 Curriculum and Quality Enhancement Programmes Kha Ri Gude Literacy Project
PROGRAMME TWO : NUMBER OF TARGETS PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 5 29% Annual Targets 12 71% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 17 100%
PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of educators that use and apply ICT in their classrooms. 1 600 400 420 600 2 822 educators who attended ICT training courses. 16 690 4 200 13 060 6 200 3 580 schools connected to ICT infrastructure and services. 900 200 No report Subject Advisors trained in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements (CAPS) Grade R – 12. 2 474 Annual Target
PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of Grade 12 learners passing mathematics (thousands). 158 Annual Target passing physical science (thousands). 150 The increase in the number of Grade 12 learners who become eligible for a Bachelors programme at university 136 The percentage of youths who obtain a National Senior Certificate. 44%
PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of youths who obtain any FET qualification. 51% Annual Target textbooks and workbooks available among learners. 80% The number of to registered Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign learners. 648522 library and information services available to learners. 65%
PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R. 72% Data verified for three provinces Provincial data has not been verified yet. Data verified for additional three provinces 60 % (734 654 from School Realities) The number of districts with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs. 30 Annual Target The number of full- service schools with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs.
PROGRAMME TWO OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of special schools with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs. 30 Annual Target districts in which at least one full- service school complies Fully with the Guidelines for Full- Service Schools. Coordinated capacity in 30 special schools on SNE Guidelines There are 94 schools in various districts which comply fully with Guideline for FSS Monitor the implementation of SNE Guidelines in 30 special schools There are 108 full service schools that have been physically upgraded but which need to be trained on Guidelines for Full Service Schools
SECOND QUARTER TARGETS : PROGRAMME TWO PERFORMANCE NUMBER PERCENTAGE STATUS Target achieved 2 40% Progress is being made but some challenges are prevalent in attaining the targets within planned time-frames 0% Target not achieved in planned time-frame 3 60%
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The number of Subject Advisors trained in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements Grade R to 12 2 474 subject advisor have been trained. A total number of 336 Foundation Phase district officials were successfully orientated to the changes implied in the CAPS documents. The percentage of textbooks and workbooks available among learners The National Catalogue of Textbooks for Grades 1-3 and Grade 10 has been developed and disseminated to provinces to procure textbooks for the implementation of CAPS in 2012. This will ensure that all learners and teachers have the necessary textbooks for learning and teaching. A total of 24 million Grade 1-6 (Volume 1 and 2) language and mathematics workbooks were printed and delivered to 18,854 public primary schools in nine provinces for the 2011 school year. A total of 12 million Volume 2 workbooks were delivered to all schools by 29 July 2011 for work to be covered from August to December 2011. The number of textbooks and workbooks available to registered Kha Ri Gude Mass Literacy Campaign learners No milestones to report on.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The percentage of library and information services available to learners. There are 5252 ordinary schools in South Africa that have centralised libraries. Other schools use classroom libraries, mobile libraries and community libraries to glean information. The department has developed the National School and Information Services Guidelines which provides different model options of library and information services which will enable schools to ensure that all learners have access to information services. The number of districts with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs. No training has taken place due to the implementation of the CAPS process in 2012. The number of full-service schools with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs. The number of special schools with at least one educator who has received specialised training in the identification and support of special needs
PROGRAMME TWO : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The School Realities 2011 confirms that a total of 707 203 learners were in Grade R in 2010 and 1 177 089 learners are in Grade 1 this year. This means more than 60% of Grade 1 learners currently in the Public Ordinary Schools and Independent Schools have had access to a formal Grade R programme offered in schools. The target for Grade 1 learners to have had access to a formal Grade R programme is 72%. A total of 12 million Volume 2 WORKBOOKS were delivered to all schools by 29 July 2011 for work to be covered from August to December 2011. The Kha Ri Gude campaign reached a high point in the 2011/12 financial year when it was awarded additional funding through an incentive grant from the Expanded Public Works Programme. The campaign was able to reach an additional 32 922 learners over and above its baseline target of 615 600 learners. Also of importance is that it created 4 334 work opportunities for unemployed youth.
PROGRAMME TWO : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The National Catalogue of Textbooks for Grades 1-3 and Grade 10 has been developed and disseminated to provinces to procure textbooks for the implementation of CAPS in 2012. This creates an enabling environment to ensure that all learners and teachers have appropriate textbooks for learning and teaching. There are 5 252 ordinary schools in South Africa that have centralised libraries. Other schools use classroom libraries, mobile libraries and community libraries to access information. The department has developed the National School and Information Services Guidelines which provides different model options of library and information services which will enable schools to ensure that all learners have access to information services.
PROGRAMME TWO : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statements were approved by the Minister by the issuing of Government Gazette No. 34 600 on 12 September 2011. Subject advisors have been trained and materials supplied to provinces in order to train teachers. Implementation thereof will be incremental, commencing with Grades R, 1, 2, 3 and 10 in 2012.
Strategic Planning and Reporting PROGRAMME THREE : TEACHERS, EDUCATION HUMAN RESOURCES AND INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT The purpose of Programme Three is to promote quality teaching and institutional performance through the effective supply, development and utilisation of human resources. SUB-PROGRAMMES Education Human Resource Management Education Human Resource Development Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME THREE : NUMBER OF TARGETS PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 6 67% Annual Targets 3 33% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 9 100% Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated Increase in the number of teachers participating in targeted priority teacher development activities with a focus on underperforming schools. 140 000 teachers participate in at least in targeted priorityteacher development activities 35000 41 611 31 710 The NICPD is established. NICPD is set up and operational Concept document is approved First staff is appointed Posts have been allocated on DBE organogram The number of qualified teachers aged 30 and below entering the public service as teachers for the first time during the past year. 6 200 2 000 2 970 Information on this quarter will only be available in October 2011
PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of bursaries awarded to students enrolled for initial teacher education during the past year. 8 517 5 000 6 742 2 000 1 326 The percentage of schools where the allocated teaching posts were filled. 70% Annual Target learners who are in classes with no More than 45 learners. schools producing a minimum set of management documents at a required standard. 40% 10% 6.6% 9%
PROGRAMME THREE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of schools where the School Governing Body meets minimum criteria in terms of effectiveness. 40% 10% 6.6% school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. 30% Annual Target
PROGRAMME THREE PERFORMANCE ON SECOND QUARTER TARGETS NUMBER PERCENTAGE STATUS Target achieved 4 66% Progress is being made but some challenges are prevalent in attaining the targets within planned time-frames 1 17% Target not achieved in planned time-frame Strategic Planning and Reporting
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The percentage of schools where the allocated teaching posts were all filled. Monitoring the rate of vacancies on a quarterly basis and reporting to HEDCOM and CEM has proven to be helpful for PEDs to manage vacancies and filing of posts. This information has also provided the Minister and Senior Management with the different levels of vacancies in each school in each district per province together with amounts when visiting Provinces and addressing Districts. The vacancy rate improved from 10.3% in May to 0.9% in June. The percentage of learners who are in classes with no more than 45 learners. The Framework and the Strategy on recruitment and placement will contribute to ensuring that schools do not have classrooms with more than 45 learners per classroom. The percentage of school principals rating the support services of districts as being satisfactory. The target that will be tested at the end of the financial year through a survey. The department is presently preparing the districts to provide acceptable minimum service to schools through the Guideline on Roles and Responsibilities of Education Districts.
PROGRAMME THREE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The number of qualified teachers aged 30 years and below entering the public service as teachers for the first time in 2011 is targeted for the second quarter of the academic year 2011 at 2 000. This number fell short by 352 new entrants below the age of 30 years entering the system for the first time. A total of 1 326 Funza Lushaka bursaries were awarded in the quarter. The cumulative target of 7 000 bursaries set for the end of the second quarter has been exceeded, with 8 068 bursaries awarded to date. A total of 2 263 schools were visited by external IQMS moderators during the second quarter. Underperforming schools in all provinces were targeted during the 1 332 follow-up visits conducted. The external moderators were able to observe the lessons of 98 educators in their classrooms. During these visits, moderators were able to provide support on the IQMS implementation in particular as well as the quality of teaching. Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME THREE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS Two ELRC Task Teams that were established to work and refine employer proposed evaluation instruments on the Teacher Performance Appraisal System (TPAS) and Education Management Service: Performance Management and Development System (EMS: PMDS) for Principals and Deputy Principals as well as office-based educators, completed their work on 31 August 2011. Both Task Teams submitted their recommendations to a Special Bargaining Council meeting of 13 September 2011, which were accepted by all parties to the ELRC. The Secretariat was requested to identify dates for a marathon round of negotiations. Once the EMS process is finalized, the department will be able to enter into performance contracts with principals/deputy principals. Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME THREE : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS In the teacher development Provincial reports submitted indicated that an estimated 84 393 educators participated in development activities in this quarter in Foundation Phase Literacy and Numeracy, FET Mathematics, Science, Accounting and Technology subjects. Monitoring the rate of vacancies on a quarterly basis and reporting to HEDCOM and CEM has proven to be helpful for PEDs to manage vacancies and filing of posts. The vacancy rate improved from 10.3% in May to 0.9% in June. Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME FOUR: PLANNING, INFORMATION AND ASSESSMENT The purpose of Programme Four is to promote quality and effective service delivery in the basic education system through monitoring and evaluation, planning and assessment. SUB-PROGRAMMES Information Management Systems Financial and Physical Planning National Assessments and Public Examinations Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME FOUR : NUMBER OF TARGETS PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 2 13% Annual Targets 14 87% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 16 100% Strategic Planning and Reporting
PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of Grade 3 learners performing at the required literacy level according to the country’s Annual National Assessment. 53% Annual Target required numeracy Grade 6 learners required language 46%
PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of Grade 6 learners performing at the required mathematics level according to the country’s Annual National Assessment. 35% Annual Target Grade 9 learners required language level according to the country’s Annual National Value to be determined after measurement of baseline
PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of Gr.12 learners who become eligible for a Bachelor’s programme in the public national examinations. 136000 Annual Target The percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R. 63% schools complying with a very basic level of school infrastructure. 88% learners in schools that are funded at the minimum level. 77%
PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of schools that have acquired the full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of an assessment of their financial capacity. 72% Annual Target The percentage of 7- to 15-year-olds attending education institutions. 98% children who turned 9 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). 61%
PROGRAMME FOUR OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade). 48% Annual Target The number of learners captured by the learner unit record information tracking system (millions). 10.5 3.5m 1. 177m 7.5 1.1m (Cumulative 9.98 m) public ordinary schools interacting with the learner unit record information tracking system. 25 000 10 000 15 629 15 000 17 083
SECOND QUARTER TARGETS : PROGRAMME FOUR PERFORMANCE NUMBER PERCENTAGE STATUS Target achieved 2 100% Progress is being made but some challenges are prevalent in attaining the targets within planned time-frames 0% Target not achieved in planned time-frame Strategic Planning and Reporting
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS Annual National Assessment. A SACMEQ country report was developed and six policy briefs drafted. The data collection process for the TIMSS study was completed. The user specifications and technical design specifications of the enhancement of the ANA data capturing system were signed off by DBE for implementation by the State Information and Technology Agency (SITA). The number of Grade 12 learners who become eligible for a Bachelor’s programme in the public national examinations. The registration of candidates for the 2011 NSC examination has been finalized and an audit of the provincial registration data bases was conducted by the DBE. The State of Readiness of the PEDs to conduct the 2011 NSC examination has been completed and a consolidated report has been presented to HEDCOM on 29- 30 August 2011 and CEM 22 September 2011. The percentage of Grade 1 learners who have received formal Grade R. A funding request aimed at securing additional funding for implementing an amended funding model within the revised Grade R policy framework was made to National Treasury.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The percentage of schools complying with a very basic level of school infrastructure. An implementation plan for the Accelerated School Infrastructure Delivery Initiative was approved by National Treasury, The third transfers of the Education Infrastructure Grant were transferred to the provinces on 15 September 2011. The percentage of learners in schools that are funded at the minimum level. In order to enable the Minister to publish revised national targets for school allocations and determine quintiles which may not charge school fees, provinces have been requested to provide information on their provincial budgeting for school allocations for the 2012/14 MTEF. The percentage of schools that have acquired the full set of financial management responsibilities on the basis of an assessment of their financial capacity. No milestones to report on. The percentage of 7- to 15-year-olds attending education institutions.
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The percentage of children who turned 9 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 4 (or a higher grade). This indicator is part of an outcome goal whose activities appear under other goals. The percentage of children who turned 12 in the previous year who are currently enrolled in Grade 7 (or a higher grade).
PROGRAMME FOUR : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The DBE monitored the state of readiness of the PEDs to conduct the 2011 National Senior Certificate (NSC) examination . The registration of candidates for the 2011 National Senior Certificate examination was finalised and an audit of the provincial registration data bases was conducted. All 260 question papers required for the 2011 NSC November and March 2012 examinations were approved by the UMALUSI. A team of 67 School Based Assessment (SBA) moderators were deployed to selected districts across all PEDs as part of the ongoing initiative of the DBE to improve the quality of SBA. The process of conducting a qualitative item analysis from the Annual National Assessment (ANA) written in February 2011 at grades 1-6 learners in literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics was presented to the Minister on 6 September 2011 and CEM on 22 September 2011. The analysis was based on learner scores from individual items to help the system identify where teaching and learning challenges lie.
PROGRAMME FOUR : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS In preparation for the next cycle of Annual National Assessment the process of test development commenced in July 2011. Test developers developed test prototypes for grades 1-6 and these were submitted for moderation. Two sets of each test in each of literacy/language and numeracy/mathematics were completed during the two-week period. A funding request has been made to National Treasury to secure funding which will ensure that provincial education departments will be able to fund all no-fee schools at the same level and offer certain fee charging schools to be voluntarily declared and funded as no fee schools. Monitoring and evaluation of provincial budgets was conducted to ensure that funds are utilized according to the budget allocation. An analysis of the budget and expenditure of the PEDs was done on a monthly basis.
PROGRAMME FOUR : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The Memorandum of Agreement for the implementation of the mud schools programme by the Development Bank of South Africa (DBSA) was approved and signed. The Programme Support Unit (PSU) was appointed and assumed duty on 28 September 2011. The National Surveys were conducted, verified and integrated into the national data warehouse. Also, the Education Statistics, namely School Realities 2011 were published during the quarter.
PROGRAMME FIVE : EDUCATIONAL ENRICHMENT SERVICES The purpose of Programme Five is to develop policies and programmes to improve the quality of learning in schools. SUB-PROGRAMMES Care and Support in Schools Partnerships in Education
PROGRAMME FIVE : NUMBER OF TARGETS PERCENTAGE Quarterly Targets 7 64% Bi-annual Targets 3 27% Annual Targets 1 9% Total No. of Programme Performance Indicators 11 100%
PROGRAMME FIVE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of Schools participating in the CSTL pilot programme. 225 100 213 educators trained to implement sexual and reproductive health programmes for learners. 17 160 2 642 2 312 3 106 7 468 LTSM on sexual and reproductive health delivered to schools. 1 154 196 284 663 328 402 Grade 1 learners in Quintile 1 primary schools undergoing health screening. 250 000 125 000 138 201 (Data outstanding from EC & NW)
PROGRAMME FIVE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of learners that are provided with meals in Quintile 1 - 3 primary and secondary schools. 8 633 095 8633095 No data 8 975274 public ordinary schools with active QLTC committees. 3 000 500 1 000 1 500 1 515 schools that benefit from private partnerships. 120 343 schools linked to their local police station. 9 000 528 6 000 5563
PROGRAMME FIVE OUTPUTS PERFORMANCE INDICATORS Target for 2011 as per APP 1st Quarter Target as per APP 1st Quarter Actual output-validated 2nd Quarter Target as per APP 2nd Quarter Actual output-validated The number of public ordinary schools participating in school sport leagues. 3 000 2 000 9 745 500 The percentage of schools that reflect a democratic ethos and a human rights culture. 4 900 Annual Target schools that have access to materials and information for managing and preventing sexual violence. 1 000 250 124
SECOND QUARTER TARGETS : PROGRAMME FIVE PERFORMANCE NUMBER PERCENTAGE STATUS Target achieved 8 80% Progress is being made but some challenges are prevalent in attaining the targets within planned time-frames 0% Target not achieved in planned time-frame 2 20%
MILESTONES ACHIEVED ON ANNUAL TARGETS The percentage of public ordinary schools that reflect a democratic ethos and a human rights culture. This Indicator can only be verified through a research study for which there are currently no funds available.
PROGRAMME FOUR : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS The National Schools Nutritional Programme was implemented fairly well in most provinces with a total of 8 975 274 learners in 21 625 primary and secondary schools provided with daily nutritious meals. The Gender Equity Directorate in partnership with the MIET AFRICA convened a Roundtable Discussion on Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Schools in order to promote the effective management of cases of sexual abuse in schools and beyond. An additional 1 515 public ordinary schools have active QLTC committees. A further 5 563 Public ordinary schools were linked to their local police station.
PROGRAMME FOUR : SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACHIEVEMENTS 138 201 Grade 1 learners in Quintile 1 primary schools are reported to have undergone health screening from April to September. The HIV and AIDS Life Skills Education Programme was given impetus during this quarter by training educators to deliver sexual and reproductive health education to learners. The target for this quarter was to train 7 146 educators. To date, 6 719 educators were trained. The 2011 South African Schools Choral Eisteddfod competition was successfully hosted at Heartfelt Arena in Tshwane from 30 June to 3 July 2011. The DBE and organised labour came together to pledge their commitment to quality education with the recent signing of the Nedlac Accord on Basic Education. On 20 September 2011 organised labour and the DBE convened a meeting to translate the objectives of the Accord into tangible actions which will in turn realise the objectives as set out in the Accord.
CONCLUSION DBE’s Statutory role is to : formulate policy, norms and standards; and monitor and evaluate policy implementation and impact. In order to improve performance in the sector, it has become prevalent that the DBE needs to play a more active role in direct implementation of policies. During this quarter the department has continued to implement activities to ensure that key priorities are addressed through Workbooks, ANA, CAPS, ASIDI, Teacher Education and Learner performance improvement strategies.