Small Satellite Design Club 5th GBM October 25th, 2016 President: Alexander Soto VP Internal: Ryan Wolfe VP External: Stephanie Pastor Treasurer: Kevin Almanzar Secretary: Alfred Jennett BEC Representative: Mikhail Belibasis Webmaster: Evan Bishop
The Agenda BEC Updates HAB Updates Speaker News Research Presentation T-Shirt Update Starry Night GYRO Chair Jason’s Deli!
BEC Updates HWCOE K-12 Outreach Alachua County Schools Volunteering VEX Tournament needs volunteers for November 5th competition. Weekly meetings are Thursdays 6:30p-7:30p in Weil 210. Engineering Education Summit Presented by the Institute for Excellence in Engineering and Education (IE3 Summit) on November 1, 8:30am-4pm (Free) College Fair At Florida Regional Junior Science, Engineering, and Humanities Symposium Jan 30 12-1:30p in Grand Balroom. Dance Marathon Director Applications still out. Toy and Canned Food drives continue for BEC till December 5. Compete for a Prize!
HAB Updates Co-Leads Kevin Almanzar Anddy Brito Meeting this week on Friday 5:15 pm in MAE-A 221. Questions? Email Kevin Almanzar
Some news on next week’s speaker NOT
Research Opportunities Aastha Rajbhandary presents Research Opportunities
Research Opportunities How to apply? 1st : research ongoing projects 2nd : find something cool 3rd : email professor Deadline? November 1 for Spring Semester March 1 for Summer Semester Before the end of this semester Open
Research opportunities Important Links
An update: On T-Shirts
Newberry Cornfield Maze 20015 W Newberry Rd, Newberry, FL 32669 $15 admission! Friday, Oct 28th 7 pm. Carpooling will be available. Lookout for emails/ facebook event page!
Starry Night 3D AstroWall Ask an Astronomer Astro Activities Craters! Cosmic Time Tunnel Discover the Invisible Universe Gran Telescopio CABARIAS Etc. Nov. 4th, 6- 11pm
Questions? Visit us at : Please pay $12.70 at the front See you at Jason’s Deli!