Sierra Leone Diaspora Investment Consultative and Networking Forum Analysis of registered delegates June 2005 By Onome Ako
Background The international community’s efforts to rebuild the processes of governance and development in Sierra Leone include capacity building initiatives and programs for individuals and organizations in the country. AfricaRecruit firmly believes and acknowledges, from experience and observations elsewhere around the world, that citizens of countries such as Sierra Leone, who live in the Diaspora for one reason or another, are a very valuable resource and powerful force or tool for rebuilding their country. It is against this background that the Department for International Development (DFID) held the Sierra Leone Diaspora Investment and Consultative Networking forum in London United Kingdom Over 250 delegates have registered so far to attend the event
Profile of the registered delegates Over 60% of the registered delegates are residence in the United Kingdom with a few others from countries such as The Netherlands, USA, Malaysia and Sierra Leone. Numerous e-mail enquiries and phone calls from Sierra Leonean’s in the USA requesting for a similar event in the US
Profile of the registered delegates- 2 The registered delegates reflect a diverse background from private (self-employed) public and development sector. Examples include among many others:CEO, Economist, driver, florist, Nurse, Student, investment banker, Trade Union official, University lecturer, Engineer, Employment adviser, social worker, lawyer, IT consultant
Remittance Flow
Breakdown of Remittances- in US$dollars
Breakdown of Investment