THE WORLD BANK ACTIVE PORTFOLIO OF PROJECTS January 28, 2016 Presented by Assiata Houedanou-Soro, Operations Analyst
Composed of 16 active projects Total amount : US$758.4 million THE PORTFOLIO Composed of 16 active projects Total amount : US$758.4 million Disbursed: US$429.67 million Undisbursed balance: US$338.73 million Pipeline projects: US$950 million
Agriculture TTL: Mr Chaherli: Objective Improve smallholders access to technologies and markets, and enhance governance of selected value chains supported under the project. Component1: Promotion of public-private partnership for sustainable cocoa development in South-West Cote d'Ivoire 26,330,000.00 Component 2: Support to smallholder rubber and oil palm extension in South-East Cote d Ivoire 29,660,000.00 Component 3: Support to the cotton sector and Promotion of cashew processing in Central and Northern Cote d Ivoire 80,360,000.00 Component4: Project Implementation and support to sector coordination 8,000,000.00 TTL: Mr Chaherli:
Agriculture Objective Generate and accelerate adoption of improved technologies in the participating countries’ top agricultural commodity priorities areas that are aligned with the sub-region’s top agricultural commodity priorities Enabling conditions for sub-regional cooperation in the generation, dissemination and adoption of agricultural technologies National Centers of Specialization (NCOS) Funding of Demand-driven Technology Generation and Adoption Project Coordination, Management, Monitoring, and Evaluation TTL. Mr Toure:
Education Objective Improve access to temporary employment and skills development opportunities for young men and women in Cote d'Ivoire' s territory. Component 1 - Temporary Employment Opportunities (US$18 million) 33,000,000.00 Component 2 - Skills Development and Employment Support (US$22 million): 52,000,000.00 Component 3 - Strengthening Institutional Capacity (US$5 million) 10,000,000.00 TTL: Mr Kamil:"
Education Objective Restoring and increasing access to basic education; Rehabilitating and improving the conditions for teaching and learning; and Restoring and strengthening institutional capacity to deliver quality basic education. Component 1: Restoring and increasing access to basic education services 23,000,000.00 Component 2: Rehabilitating and improving the quality of teaching and learning 10,400,000.00 Component 3: Restoring and strengthening institutional capacity to deliver quality basic education 8,000,000.00 TTL: Mr Kamil:
Education Objective Support the Recipients to promote regional specialization among participating universities in areas that address regional challenges by strengthening the capacities of these universities to deliver quality training and applied research. Component 1: Strengthening Africa Centers of Excellence Component 2: Enhancing Regional Capacity; Evaluation and Collaboration TTL: Mr Kamil:"
Environment & Natural Resources Objective: Improve the management of obsolete pesticides and associated wastes in Cote d’Ivoire Regulatory and institutional framework 1,900,000.00 Management of obsolete pesticides and associated wastes 6,500,000.00 Promotion of alternatives to chemical pesticides 700,000.00 Project management 1,700,000.00 TTL: Mr Graham: Objective: Reinforce the Republic of Côte d’Ivoire’s capacity to design a socially and environmentally sound national strategy to reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation. TTL: Mrs Follea:"
Governance Objective Achieve enhanced transparency and efficiency in the management of public finances and improved governance and efficiency in the cocoa sector. Strengthening Public Finance Management 8,000,000.00 Strengthening Capacity to Manage the Upstream Petroleum Sector 2,900,000.00 Setting up an Adequate Institutional and Regulatory Framework for the Cocoa Sector 3,000,000.00 Project Management and Communication 4,100,000.00 TTL: Mr Yungu:
Governance Objective Strengthen the capacity of the Parliamentary Finance Committee of Cote d'Ivoire by providing the necessary training and organizational set-up to ensure effective oversight of the budget process and performance of government programs. Improving capacity of the Finance Committee should lead to more transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the allocation and use of public funds. TTL: Mr Yungu:
Health, Nutrition, Population Objective: "To strengthen the health system and improve the utilization and quality of health and nutrition services in selected regions Results-based Financing 36,500,000.00 Health System Strengthening 38,500,000.00 TTL: Mr Haazen: Objective: Iincrease women and adolescent girls’ empowerment and their access to quality reproductive, child and maternal health services in selected areas of the participating countries, including the Recipients' territory, and to improve regional knowledge generation and sharing as well as regional capacity and coordination TTL. Mr Lemière:
Social Protection Objective: Provide cash transfers to poor households in selected regions and develop the foundations of a social safety net system. Cash Transfer "Plus" Program to Poor Households 38,000,000.00 Developing the Foundations of a Social Safety Net System 8,000,000.00 Project Management, Monitoring and Evaluation 4,000,000.00 TTL: Mr Ouerghi:
Social, Rural & Urban Objective: Improve conflict-affected communities' and individuals' opportunities for economic reintegration and access to social services, which will accelerate Cote d'Ivoire's crisis recovery and strengthen the prosects for sustainable peace in its territory. Socio-Economic Reintegration 70,500,000.00 Identification Process 17,000,000.00 Community Rehabilitation 37,900,000.00 Capacity Building and Project Administration 24,600,000.00 TTL: Mr Perrin:
Social, Rural & Urban Objective: Create better livelihoods for vulnerable and marginalized groups in the Western provinces of Cote d’Ivoire, through productivity increase and strengthened social cohesion. TTL: Mr Janus:
Transport Objective: Improve access to basic infrastructure in targeted urban and rural areas Urban Infrastructure Rehabilitation 78,400,000.00 Rural Infrastructure Rehabilitation 11,000,000.00 Project Coordination 10,600,000.00 TTL Mr Diouf:
Transport Objective: Reduce trade and transport barriers in the port and on the roads along the Corridor in the Recipient's territory. Trade Facilitation Improvement of the Corridors Road Infrastructure Project Management and Coordination HIV/AIDS Programs and Corridor Performance TTL Mr Diouf:"
Pipeline projects
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