Administration and Management Rules and guid Prof Dr Carsten P Welsch
Visual Identity …plus poster with cluster icons To be used in all communication, scientific posters, etc Funding reference to STFC Create dedicated LIV.DAT space in OLL will be ready from 1 October Can house all 16 students this year
Project Web Site URL: (http://www.)
Advertisement of Positions Physics World FindaPhD NO press release – Purdah NO poster distribution
Management STructure CDT Director: Prof Carsten Welsch Deputy Directors: Dr David Hutchcroft and Prof Chris Collins The Director represents the centre to the outside. He chairs the MB and prepares its meetings. He supervises the overall management of LIVDAT, including the documentation and the financial bookkeeping, in particular as far as compliance with the STFC rules and regulations is concerned. Management Board (MB) is a small body of senior scientists chaired by the Director and supported by the T.E.A.M. It is responsible for the overall running of the CDT and makes decisions on its running. It includes the Director, both deputies, the 3 WP leaders and their deputies, an industry representative, an expert from Hartree, as well as one elected student representative. The MB will monitor and review progress and coordinate all activities in meetings at least every six months. We need to identify Mentors.
LIVDAT Training Training Coordinator: Dr Laura Harkness-Brennan TC manages all LIVDAT training activities for the duration of the CDT. She will be responsible for communication of the LIVDAT training for students and supervisors, supported by the project T.E.A.M. Where relevant, she will engage industry partners in delivery of training and will coordinate the involvement of students funded by sources outside the LIVDAT in training activities. A Spin-Off Board led by UoL’s Business Gateway and including academics with relevant expertise judges the potential impact of a new R&D prior to any dissemination (including publications) and decides on a case-by-case basis if the development justifies the application for a National or European patent. It then jointly works out the patent application and defines how to deal with the invention.
Project T.E.A.M. Promotes specific R&D, training and project administration internationally Event organization and contributions (IPAC, HEASTEM, IBIC,...) Provided training to admins from across Europe Key part also of other projects, including
Work package leaders Monte Carlo: Prof Tim Greenshaw and Dr Peter Green Deep Learning and HPC: Dr Rob Crain Prof Karl Tuyls Data Analysis: Dr David Hutchcroft and Prof Simon Maskell Outreach Coordinator: LIVDAT Project Manager