*Disclaim: The effectiveness from applying these natural tips will be depended on the body condition of the applicant.
Overview The existence of saliva in our mouth is crucial to our oral well-beings; however, it is often taken for granted. The benefits of saliva are to make sure that your mouth is clean and to prevent the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, which may lead to oral problems, such as tooth decay [1]. While lack of saliva, or known as Dry Mouth, is quite common among people, excessive saliva is a less obvious problem. If you think that the more saliva there is, the better it improves our oral conditions, you are wrong. An excessive amount of saliva can cause discomforts in the daily life. Not only does it form a bad habit of spitting it out frequently, but it also ruins your image in other people’s eyes. A disastrous scenario is that the saliva comes out of your mouth when you communicate with others [2]. Pregnant women are the most common sufferers of excessive saliva. It comes as a normal symptom of morning sickness. Besides, the habit of consuming too many sweetened foods is responsible for this problem. Much saliva may be also a result of some medications [3] [4]. To deal with this problem, medications are seen as unnecessary. You can get rid of saliva naturally with the support of some ingredients which are available around you.
Top 15 simple and practical tips on how to get rid of saliva 1. Cinnamon 2. Clove 3. Yogurt 4. Water 5. Ginger 6. Ice 7. Lemon 8. Lime 9. Black Pepper 10. Indian Gooseberry 11. Avoid Smoking 12. Brush the teeth 13. Chewing gum 14. Mint 15. Cardamon
1. CINNAMON Cinnamon can eliminate the bacteria existing in the mouth effectively and limit the production of saliva quickly at the same time. You should use it in the form of tea several times per day [5]. Prepare cinnamon powder by crushing some sticks. Mix the powder with water. Place them over the heat to boil in several minutes. Then, keep steeping it in the next 10 minutes before straining it. Consume the mixture daily. Before drinking, you can pour a bit raw honey to make it taste better. Note: Only natural sweeteners, such as honey, are acceptable in the excessive saliva treatment.
2. CLOVE The second tip is to chew some cloves a few times per day. Is believed that cloves can affect the nerves and salivary glands. With anti- inflammatory and antibacterial qualities, cloves are great for the efforts to expel the bacteria from the mouth [6]. If you do not prefer chewing them raw, you can make it into the tea to drink every day. Crush some spoons of cloves to get the powder that should be mixed with water later. Consume the mixture when you notice a high amount of saliva in the mouth.
3. YOGURT When there is so much saliva in the mouth that you cannot stand it any more, yogurt should be used as one of the best ways to help you on how to get rid of saliva nightmare [7]. Note: remember that you should use only unsweetened yogurt which does not worsen the situations.
4. WATER The idea of adding more fluid in the mouth seems irrelevant in the attempts on how to get rid of saliva, right? Nevertheless, a sufficient amount of water intake on a daily basis is vital to keep yourself from dehydration. When water goes through the mouth, it will bring the saliva along and the amount of saliva is reduced significantly, isn’t it? This is one of the least expected tips on how to get rid of saliva.
5. GINGER If you cannot stand keeping an ice cube in the mouth even for seconds, you can replace it with some ginger slices. Ginger is also one of the best tips on how to get rid of saliva. Its anti- inflammatory quality is absolutely beneficial for the elimination of bacteria from your mouth, which may be the main causes for cavities [8]. Take a fresh ginger and cut it into thin slices. Get some slices into the mouth and keep them there for several minutes.
6. ICE This recommendation on how to get rid of saliva seems a bit challenging. All you need to take is an ice cube and keep it in your mouth for several minutes. The coldness of the ice will make you feel numb immediately and as a result, halt the production of saliva at once.
7. LEMON Chewing a piece of lemon is strongly recommended for those who want to get rid of saliva instantly. The strong acidity of strong will prevent the salivary glands from causing an excessive amount of saliva [9]. Furthermore, lemon has positive impacts on the prevention of many oral diseases. You can read more about it at Top 10 Natural Benefits of Lemon. You can place a piece of lemon in the mouth and keep it there for a few minutes. Alternatively, you can mix the fresh lemon juice with water and consume the mixture several times per day.
8. LIME Lime whose quality is quite similar to that of lemon can be applied in the process of helping you on how to get rid of saliva as well. Follow the same procedures which are explained above.
9. BLACK PEPPER If you desire to get rid of saliva quickly, you can make use of black pepper combined with honey and ginger which is also another natural home remedy for how to get rid of saliva. Prepare equal amounts of black pepper and ginger powder. Combine them well. You can pour a spoon of honey – a natural sweeter – to help you consume it more easily.
10. INDIAN GOOSEBERRY Indian gooseberry is another natural home remedy for how to get rid of saliva as soon as possible. Take some spoons of Indian gooseberry and crush them into powder. The powder should be combined with warm water. Consume the mixture after you have meals on a daily basis.
11. AVOID SMOKING To give up smoking is really a firm recommendation on how to get rid of saliva. When excessive saliva happens in most expectant mothers, smoking is even strictly forbidden so as not to have negative impacts on your and your baby’s vulnerable immune system [10] [11] [12][13] [14] [15]. This is also a good way to stay away from Yellow Teeth – a common problem which often scares people.
12. BRUSH THE TEETH Undeniably, we have been taught to brush our teeth regularly since childhood, but ironically, not everyone knows how to brush the teeth in the right way. If you are one of those who suffer from excessive saliva, you ought to brush your teeth 2-3 times on a daily basis. This is also a great way to help you get rid of bad breath, isn’t it?
13. CHEWING GUM Chewing gums is not only a mere way to improve the relaxation and concentration, but also one of the most effective tips on how to get rid of saliva. Specifically, chewing gums can drive your nerves to focus on another issue and immediately, the product of saliva will be halted. The only thing you need to remember is that you had better choose sugarless chewing gums because the presence of sugar can make the situation worse and worse.
14. MINT Mint leaves work as effectively as chewing gums, and more importantly, they bring a fresh breath naturally. It is one of the best tips on how to get rid of saliva. Some researches even showed that mint could speed up your efforts to relax and control the production of saliva in the mouth. To get the best results, you should make sure that the leaves are clean before keeping them in the mouth for a few minutes.
15. CARDAMON Last but not least, cardamom can be considered as one of the greatest tips on how to get rid of saliva. It eradicates the bad breath quickly, expels as much bacteria from the mouth as possible, and prohibit the salivary glands from causing too much saliva. When you suffer from this problem, you can take cardamom into the mouth and chew them raw. Besides, you can prepare powdered cardamom and mix it with boiling water. After steeping the mixture in about 10 minutes, you had better consume it twice per day.
*Disclaim: The effectiveness from applying these natural tips will be depended on the body condition of the applicant.