Malocclusion: Classification based on intra-arch problem Intra-arch problems: malpositions of individual or group of teeth in the same arch i. Sagittal problems Labioversion Linguoversion Mesioversion Distoversion ii. Transverse problems Crowding Spacing Buccoversion iii. Vertical problems Supraversion Infraversion iv. Rotated teeth v. Transposition of teeth
Intra-arch problems Labioversion :A tooth that has assumed a position labial to normal Lingoversion: Position lingual to normal
Palatoversion: Position palatal to normal Buccoversion: Position buccal to normal
Supraversion : Over-erupted beyond the level of occlusion Infraversion: Depressed below the line of occlusion, for example, primary tooth that is submerged or ankylosed
Torsiversion: rotated on its long axis