The Call to Follow Jesus the Christ May 18, 2014
Requirements to Be a Follower of Jesus the Christ 1) To be a follower of Jesus the Christ you must renounce your natural allegiance to live for self and to instead devote yourself to live for the glory and purposes of God.
Requirements to Be a Follower of Jesus the Christ 2) To be a follower of Jesus the Christ you must be willing and prepared to be rejected by others and to suffer the consequences of being a faithful witness of Jesus.
Requirements to Be a Follower of Jesus the Christ 3) To be a follower of Jesus the Christ you must be willing to follow the Lord in faith wherever he leads you and no matter the risk.
Principles From the Call To reject the call to follow Jesus in order to save your life will actually result in you losing your life but if you accept this call to follow Jesus – you will actually gain your life. There is no point in gaining all that the world offers you in this life while losing your eternal soul in the life to come.
Warnings of Judgment Those who reject the call to follow Jesus as he has required them to demonstrate that they are ashamed of him and his words. The Son of Man will reject those who were ashamed to follow him in this life when he returns in full glory and power.