Monadnock Region, Southwestern New Hampshire Working together we can become the nation’s healthiest community
Our 120+ Organizational and Community Partners
Healthy Monadnock SCALE Team Monadnock Coalition for the Promotion of Breastfeeding Monadnock Regional Transportation Management Association Monadnock HEAL Coalition Cheshire Coalition for Tobacco-Free Communities Advocates for Healthy Youth Coalition Linda Rubin Director, Healthiest Community Initiative, Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth Hitchcock Keene Rudy Fedrizzi Director of Community Health Clinical Integration, Cheshire Medical Center / Dartmouth Hitchcock Keene
Three Sources of Pride Tobacco Prevention Campaign #WTF Community Summit Theme Substance Misuse and Abuse Living Wage Campaign Identifying potential Allies
Lessons Learned Use of 6 Word Story Rapid Feedback Form SWITCH book club Poems Stories of Self
Engaging Community Members with Lived Experiences Women in Recovery Tipped Workers Child care workers Educational Paraprofessionals People who walk for transport
Engaging the BROADER Community Compelling Call to Action Map of Actors Story of Self Story of Us and Now Community Health Improvement Plan
Our Living Wage Campaign Goal By 2020, every employee in every sector employed in Keene, NH will earn at least a living wage (currently defined as $14.99 for a single full time wage earner), as a means of supporting their achievement of personal, economic and social potential.
Our Driver Diagram Primary Drivers Secondary Drivers Making a compelling business case on the benefits to employers in terms of employee retention, recruitment and local economy Aim: By 2020, every employee in every sector employed in Keene, NH will earn at least a living wage Outcome Measures: 1. % of full time wage earners in the Monadnock area that are paid a living wage 2. Number of employers who adopt some type of living wage pledge, agreement or policy Employers’ Commitment to Goal Healthy Monadnock 2020 framing of Living Wage as a fundamental Issue for community-wide Health Improvement Regional Economic Vitality Identify backbone organization for Living Wage Campaign Develop a valid, locally relevant and justifiable calculation to determine the living wage for the Monadnock region Consumer Commitment to Goal Maintaining community’s attention on economic inequality as a social justice issue through Keene State’s American Democracy Project Political Will of Policy Leaders Capitalize on regional and national efforts and momentum to increase the minimum wage or achieve a living wage
Our Metrics % of full time wage earners in the Monadnock area that are paid a living wage Number of employers who adopt some type of living wage pledge, agreement or policy
SWITCH Lessons Rider: Our Turn a New Leaf menu labeling program invites diners to choose selections with a logo… not to get caught up in analyzing nutritional data (make the healthy choice clear) Elephant: We don’t need to tell our Champions to eat 5 fruits and vegetables a day… they just need to add 1 since they already average 4 a day (shrink the change) Path: Our PICH grant efforts to expand smoke-free environments (housing, college campuses and cars) will support those in cessation treatment and children (make the healthy choice inevitable)
Help Gained from Others! Pueblo Triple Aim – Shared their journey with ReThink Health Waterville – USDA ERS Atlas Resource
Biggest Challenges So Little TIME… So Many Opportunities! SCALE Mentoring Partners in Community Health Living Wage Campaign Worksite Wellness Scale and Reach Clinical-Community Integration
Hopes for CHILA2? Sustainable Change Sustainable Investment Shared Measurement
Best way to contact us: Linda Rubin Director, Healthiest Community Initiative 603-354-54543 ext 3930 Rudy Fedrizzi Director of Community Health clinical Integration 603-354-54543 ext 3034