Mechanical Principles.
Balance Definition Is the ability to retain the centre of gravity over your base of support. Requires control of different muscle groups. The exact muscle requirements depends upon nature of the task. STATIC vs DYNAMIC BALANCE.
BALANCES – Body tension. Static Balance. Dynamic Balance.
Balance Requires a combination of factors: Centre of gravity over your base. Size of your base of support. Good body tension. Task: Why is it important to be in balance when performing a skill?
Transfer of Weight Definition Transfer of weight is moving your body weight from one part of your body to another. Think of the different skills and techniques used in your sport where you need to transfer your weight for an effective performance:
Transfer of Weight How well you transfer your weight involves considering how well BALANCED you are when performing. EXAMPLES: Chest pass in basketball – requires transfer of weight from you back foot to front foot to help increase the power in the pass. Badminton – overhead clear/smash.
APPLICATION OF FORCE Definition Application of force occurs when physical power or strength is exerted against a person or an object.
APPLICATION OF FORCE For every action there is an EQUAL and OPPOSITE reaction (Newton’s Third Law). SPEED and POWER are important in applying force. DIRECTION of the force is also important.
APPLICATION OF FORCE. If speed is required then the greater the force applied the better. Differences in the mass of the body will effect performance. How would this effect a lighter sprinter in a 100m race?
ROTATION Definition: Rotation is the movement of the body (or part of the body) around a central axis. In discus you use rotation to help build power in your throw. Can you think of other examples of using rotation?
RESISTANCE Definition Resistance is a force that is applied against an object or the performer during an activity.
RESISTANCE When you apply force there is RESISTANCE. It can have a POSITIVE or NEGATIVE effect on your performance. What types of equipment in sport can give you positive resistance?
FOLLOW THROUGH Definition Follow through is the continuation of an action past the moment of impact.
FOLLOW THROUGH A good follow through is part of EFFECTIVE performance and follows on from preparation and action phases in a skill/technique. Direction of follow through.