Crop Diversification - Seasonal Rice Fallow Seasons Existing Seasonal Fallow land (Hectares) Area proposed to be brought under cultivation (Hectares) Pre Kharif Fallow (April-June) 84341 34351 Rabi Fallow (Dec- March) 59592 39013 Grand Total 143933 73364
Crop-wise - cropping programme - for crop diversification in fallow land
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre Kharif fallow Component 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Kharif Maize, Nutri Cereals (Kaon, Foxtail etc.), Vegetable type Soyabean, etc. 1170 2340 3510 5871 Kharif Pulses ( Arhar, Moong, Blackgram, Rajmash, etc.) 960 1920 2880 4816 Kharif Oilseeds (Sesamum, & Groundnut) 730 1460 2190 3639
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Pre-Kharif fallow Component 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Fodder 610 1220 1830 3025 Summer Vegetables 2400 4800 7200 12000 Root and Tuber Crops 600 1200 1800 3000 Spices and Condiments 400 800 2000 Total Pre-Kharif Fallow 6870 13740 20610 34351
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow Component 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Rabi Maize 800 1600 2400 4000 Rabi pulses-Lentil etc.) 2320 4640 6960 11602 Boro Paddy 530 1060 1590 2635 Wheat 150 300 450 726
Crop Diversification : Year wise target(in Ha) Rabi fallow Component 1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th Year Rabi Oilseeds (Rape and Mustard, etc) 1560 3120 4680 7800 Winter Vegetables 1800 3600 5400 9000 Potato 600 1200 3000 Flowers 50 100 150 250 Total Rabi Fallow 7810 15620 23430 39013 Total Seasonal Fallow for Crop Diversification 14680 29360 44040 73364
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Pulses Year Requirement in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year (2011-12) 66,622 6,005 60,617 91% 2016-17 71,684 35,235 36,449 51%
Area Proposed for Pulses Cultivation 2013-17 Area of Pulses cultivation 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Existing area under Pulses 8,582 Pulses in seasonal fallow 3,280 6,560 9,840 16,418 ROFR 4,000 5,000 5,500 Shifting Agriculture Area 10,000 Total 25,862 30,142 33,922 40,500
PROPOSED GOI INTERVENTION Inclusion of Tripura under NFSM-PULSES Any other Scheme may be Formulated to promote Pulses Cultivation
Present GAP - Requirement & Production of Oilseed Year Requirement in MT Production in MT Shortfall in MT % Shortfall Base Year (2011-12) 1,63,976 3,493 1,60,483 97.8%% 2016-17 1,79,029 22,448 1,56,581 87.5%
Area Proposed for OilseedCultivation 2013-17 Area of Oilseed Cultivation 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Existing / base area under Oilseed(2011-12) 4661 Oilseed in current seasonal fallow 2290 4580 6870 11439 RoFR Area (Sesamum & Gnut 3000 Shifting Agriculture ( Sesamum) 2500 Total 12,451 14,741 17,031 21,600
Proposed GOI INTERVENTION Fund Earmarked for N-E States for Red Palm Oil – may be allotted for OilSeeds Crops. Any other Scheme may be Formulated to promote OilSeeds Cultivation