PID meeting SNATS to SCATS New front end design Introduction to Integration Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting New documents available Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting SCATS Instantaneous Dead time ~25ns Readout dead time Output Max speed~20 MHz Push the data Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting Performances Already measured : Resolution , Linearity … => SNATS matches our requirements. Expected : Dead time at the input : 25 ns. Matches the background input max frequency with a a large safety factor Readout : Number of data words per event 4 3 2 1 Readout frequency per channel (All channels fired) 1,25 MHz 2,5 MHz 5 MHz Max readout frequency per channel (only one channel fired) 5 MHz 10 MHz 20 MHz Match the 70ns and 150 KHz Trigger requirements. The complete chain up to the sector concentrator has to mach the 4 us trigger latency. Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting Electronics faces 2 goals : process the PM signals with FeChip/TDC/ADC . Concentrate and pack channel data and send it to the DAQ Electronics on the detector Mechanical constraints. Thermal constraints Power distribution issues including HV. Cables and links Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting First idea : small boards assembled in module ( a la G Warner ) Nice modularity : failure, debug Task well identified between Frontend and data processing. Difficult to mount and dismount on the detector. A lot of cables . -> Proposal for a crate- like solution for Fblock electronics Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting Fblock electronics All boards are guided like in a crate with rails. Permits to mount/dismount them in any case needed. We copy a crate structure. From price concern we use commercial components : bars , rails … -> gives some constraints on our design on size and assembly. PMs alignment constraints : PM footprints have to be aligned vertically and horizontally with a precision which has to be similar to that of commercial crates. The pitch (board to board space ) is half than in a standard crate => no connector on front panels. Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting PM footprints used as a backplane. Backplane covering all PMs including extra row connectors for signals distribution. Fblocks Custom backplane for boards interconnection. Very good grounding and shielding HV distribution can also be foreseen. Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting Fe Crate Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Data flow consideration TDC (16 channels ) : 16 bits@80MHz + Chan Add + Charge … -> 32 bits per events @ 80 MHz. -> 6 rows -> Bus of 192 bits entering one ( 2 ? ) FEPGA housing L1 buffer. 150 kHz Trigger / 32 bit data per event -> 5 kbits per pixel 5 k * 16 pixels * 6 PM rows -> ~ 5 Mbits per board on backplane. Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010
Requirements on fan trays and heat exchanger. A rough estimation gives : Fe : 500 mW / 16 Channels PGA : 1 W / 16 channels TDC : 500 mW / 16 channels `+ glue => Total 3 W / 16 channels. => Sector ( ~ 3kchannels ) = ~ 600 W ( 350 W on Babar/~600 ch) => Less than 8 kW in total. From Wiener data sheet Q = ( 3.1 P) / T Q= airflow in m3 / h P = Dissipated power ( W) T = Temperature change at given air flow -> 1kW power , a specified difference T = 10 degrees requires a airflow of 300 m3/h 0 Christophe Beigbeder PID meeting May 31 2010