GANA DERM Implantable wound covering materials Development objective Existing temporal artificial skin is the temporary skin role before contemporary treatment (ex,skin graft). It is impossible to cure patients who has widespread damage skin so far. What is difference, - As soon as applied to patient GANADERM can keep moisturizing from evaporation - Prevent infection - Mechanical -chemical protection -Absorb exudate -Reduce pain -Powder in ganaderm stimulate the collgen synthesis of soft tissue defect so that there will be no more exudate -High concentration Cross linked hyaluronic acid gel absorb watery content from wound . stuff soft tissue defect immediately and keep moisturizing from evaporation No peel off, No skin graft permanent artificial skin In case of major burns is accompanied by soft tissue loss and epithelium damage. GANADERM includes active ingredients for epithelial cell and soft tissues regeneration.
GANA DERM Implantable wound covering materials Not necessary of skin graft After an immediate indication, immediate recovery of skin functions from burn injuries or skin loss. Regeneration soft tissue and epithelium Bio cellulose itself replaces soft tissue mechanically Not necessary of wound dressing -once apply to any wound you just keep watching until you see healed wound Progress Bio cellulose itself does not cause any immune side effect and any other response in the body. The epithelial cell migrates to GANADERM and then GANADERM may be positioned under the epidermis. Prompt wound healing
GANA DERM Implantable wound covering materials WHAT IS THE IDEAL ARTIFICIAL SKIN? The optimal skin substitute will provide for immediate replacement of both the lost dermis and epidermis, with permanent wound coverage. Other features of the ideal skin substitute should have the following features: Able to resist infection Able to prevent water loss Able to withstand the shear forces Cost effective Widely available Long shelf life and easy to store Lack of antigenicity Flexible in thickness Durable with long-term wound stability Can be conformed to irregular wound surfaces and Easy to be secured and applied
GANA DERM Implantable wound covering materials GANADERM Package Contents 1. GANADERM sheet 2. Water proof adhesive sheet 3. Sterilized forcep
GANA DERM Introduction of contents GANADERM is composed of -biocellulose sheet -powder -gel GANADERM Sheet Bio Cellulose works as mechanicall-chemical protection and control moisturization from evaporation as soon as applied. It helps to reduce pain. Bio cellulose is bio compatible material which does not perform any decomposition of response and immune side effect in the body. Bio cellulose is the main ingredient of an artificial internal organ worldwide.
GANA DERM Introduction of contents BIO Cellulose Sheet Application field of sheet Applicable plastic surgery, rhino, genital augmentation. In case of surgical operation substitute for diaphragm The fascia from every part of the body or peritoneum can be replaced. * Bio Implantable Cellulose sheet itself works as existing Alloderm.
GANA DERM Introduction of contents Epithelium and Soft tissues regeneration The function of GANADERM powder - Improve soft tissue regeneration -Improve epidermis regeneration -Absorb exudate In case of major burns is accompanied by soft tissue loss and epithelium damage. The frozen dried powder has functions for epithelium and soft tissue regeneration. It can be applied on burn injury before applying the sheet is soaked gel up.
GANA DERM Introduction of contents Anti-bacterial and moisturizing gel The gel itself has anti-bacterial and moisturization. The practical product will be provided as sheet with being soaked gel.
GANA DERM How to apply Sterilization process How to use -Sterilize wound -Apply GANADERM using forcep -Cover GANADERM with enclosed water proof adhesive sheet Just keep watchin until you can see wound healing You don’t need wound dressin if not There is infection or breakage of water proof sheet If there is breakage of water proof sheet Just change sheet Sterilization process GANA derm sheet is autoclave sterilized
GANA DERM Application Bed sore Severe burn Buerger’s disease All kinds of whole skin defect
Clinical trials. Bed sore GANA DERM Clinical trials. Bed sore Application picture
54years old femal , second degree burn GANA DERM Clinical trials. 54years old femal , second degree burn Gana derm application Post treatment 10days
GANA DERM * Precautions If you observe severe Pus, Discharge then disinfect affected area and apply new GANADERM If there is no sign of infection Apply GANADERM until you observe skin regeneration When wound has no pus discharge and completely healed GANADERM will shed by itself Products name : GANADERM Manufacturer GANARND.Co.Ltd 103,Sunil technopia ,555, doongchon daero Jungwongu.Seong nam si. Gyoung gi do, South korea TEL:031-732-0242 FAX:02-6455-7512 E mail : Made in Korea