MMC Grad 2017 128 Days Until Grad!
Q: What are your responsibilities right now?
Keep up with your assignments. Work hard. Keep up with your assignments. Seek help if you need it. Do whatever it takes to ensure you graduate! Oh, and be mindful of academic honesty!
GRAD DIPLOMA FEE 2. Be sure to pay your $25 to your TA. 3. Pay all outstanding money you owe to the school (library fees, student fees, gym fees, lost books, etc.).
Participate in the remaining fundraisers to help ensure a GREAT Grad Event! Pay attention to all Grad announcements so you don’t miss any details. This also means going to the TA meetings!
Q: When and where is the CONVOCATION ceremony?
Centennial Concert Hall CONVOCATION: Thursday, June 29th, 2017 Centennial Concert Hall 555 Main Street
CONVOCATION: Thursday, June 29th Students arrive: 8:30 a.m. (back security door) Front doors for guests: 9:00 a.m. Ceremony begins: 9:30 a.m. Ceremony ends: 12:15 p.m.
Q: How many of my friends and family can attend my convocation?
8 more tickets 2 + 8 = 10 Each grad receives: 2 free tickets Each grad may purchase up to: 8 more tickets 2 + 8 = 10
Extra tickets must be paid for in advance. Two tickets are FREE! All others are $10 each Extra tickets must be paid for in advance. TICKETS ARE NOT AVAILABLE AT THE DOOR!
Once everyone has had an opportunity to receive ten tickets, those remaining will be sold on a first come, first served basis. ($10/ticket)
Q: How do I get my cap and gown and what does it cost?
You will order your cap and gown (by size) during your appointment with your TA on March 1st. There is no charge. The cost has been covered through your student fees over the past three years!
You must be there to pick up your cap and gown. Book it now! Cap & Gown Pick-Up Tuesday, June 27 Time: 1:30 p.m. Gym A You must be there to pick up your cap and gown. Book it now!
Q: When and where is the Safe Grad Dinner & Dance?
Friday June 30, 2017 Canad Inns Polo Park Ambassador Ball Room TYC Event Centre
Pictures in the Park 3:30 p.m. Four Course Dinner at 7:00 p.m. TIMES: Pictures in the Park 3:30 p.m. Doors Open at 5:00 p.m. Four Course Dinner at 7:00 p.m.
Speeches follow dinner Dance & Fun Casino 9:30 – 12:00 Silent Auction 5:00 – 11:30 Safe Grad 12:00 – 5:00 a.m.
Q: What is the theme for our Dinner & Dance?
Enchanted forest
Q: How many people may I bring to the Dinner & Dance?
You may bring one guest and your parents. Our Grad venue will seat 800 for dinner. You may bring one guest and your parents. Other family members over 14 are also welcome.
Q: If my parents want to come to the dinner, do they have to sit with me?
NO! OR Tables seat 10 people. Your parents may sit with you they may sit at a “Parent Table” with other parents.
Important notice: Safe Grad insurance dictates that students and families of students attending the safe grad event cannot stay at the canad inn polo park hotel
Q: What do tickets to the Safe Grad Dinner & Dance cost?
Ticket prices depend on the following:
1. How much fundraising your graduating class does over the year.
How much money your Grad Gommittee spends on decorating and other fun elements of the evening.
3. The cost of the meal chosen by the Grad Committee.
Fundraising could earn you a discounted or free ticket. Anticipated ticket price is $80 per person Fundraising could earn you a discounted or free ticket.
FUNDRAISING DISCOUNTS Amount Fundraised Discount $250 ¼ off $500 ½ off $750 ¾ off $1,000 FREE!
Final Fundraising Opportunities Mom’s Pantry Little Black Book of Value Coupons Vesey’s Bulbs Booster Juice Coupons
Mom’s Pantry Orders Due: Feb. 27 & 28 in the tunnel at lunch Order Pick-up: March 15 in the cafeteria from 3:15 – 5:00 p.m.
Grad Fashion Show
Friday, February 24 7 p.m. Canad inns polo park
Mr. Buckeye Friday, April 27 Prize Basket! Free Ticket To Grad! Admission: $1.00 Listen to announcements for a call out to interested participants Winner receives: Prize Basket! Free Ticket To Grad!
Grad Breakfast Friday, May 26th
HAND IN YOUR SURVEY BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY! Designated Driver Forms Table Reservation Forms Ticket Order Forms Composite Class Photo TA Photos HAND IN YOUR SURVEY BEFORE YOU LEAVE TODAY!
Any girls interested, see Gowns for Grads Any girls interested, see Ms. Beebe by MARCH 15 TO REGISTER Participants must be registered in advance.
Q: When will we get more detailed information?
Information will come in the following ways: TA Meetings & Assemblies On the School Website – Grad 2017 link At the Grad Breakfast on May 26th