Quality and Effectiveness Framework Learner Voice May 2010
NUS Project NUS provide targeted support for Learners and Staff within FE to develop mechanisms for Learner Involvement / Engagement. Develop and share examples of good practice Link with existing networks
NUS project outcomes Provide student governor training in conjunction with ColegauCymru to new and returning nominated student governors to all twenty four colleges in Wales per year; Provide training in conjunction with ColegauCymru to college staff and other relevant support staff to all twenty four colleges in Wales per year; Work with ColegauCymru, colleges and student representatives to provide tailored training, advice and support to six colleges per year that will empower these institutions to independently support and develop learner engagement structures; Conduct a mapping exercise of good practice examples of learner engagement across all sector bodies within Wales and analysis of UK and international good practice.
Produce recommended solutions for FE representation structures which includes issues relating to legislation, value for money and is suitable for Welsh colleges as well as a signposting to materials already available; Link with existing networks in Wales to share good practice in supporting learner engagement and implementation of the Learner Involvement Strategy Guidance; Develop and support across FE class representation structures in colleges; Work with ColegauCymru and individual college Principals to develop and deliver a sustainable method of continued FE learner representation support beyond the term of this project
The Quality and Effectiveness Framework for post -16 learning Learner Involvement The Quality and Effectiveness Framework for post -16 learning Learner Outcomes Leadership & Management Responsiveness Learner Involvement in decision making Effective collaboration Widening participation
Learner Involvement Strategies Guidance The guidance is intended to be a living document The guidance is not a prescriptive approach One size will NOT fit all
Listening and Responding Ways of gathering feedback Learner Questionnaires Online surveys Telephone interviews Focus groups Focused surveys
Piloted a “top down” approach Learner Voice 2010 Pilot Piloted a “top down” approach 1st phase 2008 – 2009 with 7 FE institutions 2nd phase 2009 – 2010 with 24 FE institutions, plus WBL providers Total of 33,406 learners’ views were collected in the 2nd pilot phase
FE: Overall experience Full time learners A mean-score of 4.16 out of 5 Ratings are significantly higher for: Under 19s and 19-24s (4.14 and 4.18) White compared to ethnic minority groups (4.18 and 4.04) No qual/Level 1 and below (4.25 compared to 4.17 Level 2 and 4.14 Level 3) (< 450 guided contact hours a year) Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027)
FE: Overall experience Part time learners A mean-score of 4.35 out of 5 Ratings are more positive for: Older learners (4.12 for the under 25s compared to 4.60 for the 65 plus) Females (4.39 and 4.30 male) Ethnic minority learners (4.41 compared to 4.34 white) No qual/Level 1 and below (4.45 compared to 4.33 Level 2 and 4.16 Level 3) (< 450 guided contact hours a year) Base: FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
FE: Information/advice Full time Part time Mean-score Mean-score 4.15 4.27 (< 450 guided contact hours a year) 3.96 * 4.08 * NB At least 15% ‘does not apply to me’ Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027) FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
FE: Initial and ongoing support Full time Part time Mean-score Mean-score 4.32 4.47 (< 450 guided contact hours a year) 4.22 4.45 Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027) FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
FE: Experience of teachers/trainers/assessors Full time Part time Mean-score Mean-score 4.16 4.53 4.12 4.51 4.08 4.39 (< 450 guided contact hours a year) 4.18 4.44 3.93 4.42 Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027) FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
* NB At least 15% ‘does not apply to me’ FE: Responsiveness Full time Part time 4.15 4.54 3.85 * 4.16 (< 450 guided contact hours a year) 3.75 * 4.11 * NB At least 15% ‘does not apply to me’ Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027) FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
* NB At least 15% ‘does not apply to me’ FE: Environment Full time Part time 4.23 * 4.47 * 3.55 * 4.03 4.14 * 4.31 (< 450 guided contact hours a year) 4.12 * 4.33 * 3.92 * 4.22 * NB At least 15% ‘does not apply to me’ Base: FE Full time (unwtd/wtd 20,402/13,027) FE Part time (unwtd/wtd 6,153/15,678)
Key issues Links learner voice with quality rather than being seen as a separate issue. Headline figures not necessarily meaningful but drilling down can show sector-wide, institutional and course-level information to target further work ‘Eye opener’ for staff who think that performance is high based solely on attainment Integration into existing surveys Benchmarking
Does it really tell us anything Compatibility with existing systems Potential Issues Duplication of effort Does it really tell us anything Compatibility with existing systems One size may not fit all Survey fatigue
Discussion Points Options for rolling this forward: Don’t do anything Administer an all Wales survey Integrate the all Wales survey into existing surveys Hybrid :- pull together information from existing surveys Pro’s and Con’s ?
www.wales.gov.uk/quality post16quality@wales.gsi.gov.uk