LIU Workpackages 1 August 2014 Edms Id 1403771 LIU-PM-PP-0030 Accelerators and Technology Sector Director : Frédérick BORDRY LIU Project Project Leader Malika MEDDAHI Deputy Project Leader Giovanni RUMOLO LIU Project Safety Officer A.FUNKEN LINAC4 Project Project Leader M.VRETENAR Deputy Project Leader A.LOMBARDI LIU Planning & installation coordination Activity coordinator: J. COUPARD Deputy coordinator: S. MATAGUEZ LIU Project Team J.COUPARD, A.DELEU, A.FUNKEN, R.GAROBY, S.GILARDONI, B.GODDARD, K.HANKE, D.MANGLUNKI, M.MEDDAHI, G.RUMOLO, M.TAVLET, M.VRETENAR Coordination meeting: bi-monthly LIU PSB coordination Activity coordinator: K.HANKE Deputy coordinator: B.MIKULEC LIU SPS coordination Activity coordinator: B.GODDARD Deputy coordinator: E.SHAPOSHNIKOVA LIU ION coordination Activity coordinator: D.MANGLUNKI Deputy coordinator: B.HOLZER LIU PS coordination Activity coordinator: S.GILARDONI Deputy coordinator: H.DAMERAU Coordination meeting on Thursday at 10:30 Coordination meeting on Tuesday at 15:30 Coordination meeting on Wednesday at 10:30 Coordination meeting : bi-monthly LIU-PSB 1 Management K.Hanke, Deputy B.Mikulec LIU-PSB 2 PSB Beam dynamics E.Benedetto LIU-PSB 3 Magnets A.Newborough LIU-PSB 4 RF systems A.Findlay LIU-PSB 5 Power Convertors S.Pittet LIU-PSB 6 Beam instrumentation J.Tan LIU-PSB 7 Beam Intercepting Devices C.Maglioni, Alt. A.Masi LIU-PSB 8 Vacuum System J.Hansen LIU-PSB 9 LINAC4 to PSB transfer line and PSB injection systems W.Weterings LIU-PSB 10 PSB Extraction system and PSB-PS transfer line J.Borburgh LIU-PSB 11 Controls J.Betz LIU-PSB 12 Electrical Systems S.Bertolasi LIU-PSB 13 Cooling and Ventilation M.Obrecht LIU-PSB 14 Installation, Transport and handling C.Bertone, J-L.Grenard LIU-PSB 15 Civil Engineering L.A.Lopez-Hernandez LIU-PSB 16 Radiation Protection R.Froeschl LIU-PSB 17 Machine Interlocks B.Puccio LIU-PSB 18 Alarms N.A. LIU-PSB 19 Access Systems, Doors LIU-PSB 20 Survey T.Dobers LIU-PSB 21 Commissioning and Operation B.Mikulec LIU-PSB 22 Dismantling K.Hanke LIU-PSB 23 Half-Sector Test, Stripping Foil Test LIU-PS 1 Management S.Gilardoni, Deputy H.Damerau LIU-PS 2 Beam dynamics G.Sterbini LIU-PS 3 Magnets D.Bodart LIU-PS 4 RF systems H.Dameau, C.Rossi, A.Blas LIU-PS 5 Power Converters S.Pittet LIU-PS 6 Beam instrumentation S.Bart Pedersen LIU-PS 7 Beam Intercepting Devices A.Masi, Alt. O.Aberle LIU-PS 8 Vacuum System J.Hansen LIU-PS 9 Injection J.Borburgh LIU-PS 10 Extraction and transfer LIU-PS 11 Controls M.Gourber-Pace LIU-PS 12 Electrical Systems J.Devine LIU-PS 13 Cooling and Ventilation M.Nonis LIU-PS 14 Installation, Transport and handling C.Bertone LIU-PS 15 Civil Engineering L.A.Lopez-Hernandez LIU-PS 16 Radiation Protection J.Vollaire, F.Szoncso LIU-PS 17 Machine Interlocks B.Puccio LIU-PS 18 Alarms S.Grau LIU-PS 19 Access Systems, Doors R.Nunes LIU-PS 20 Survey T.Dobers LIU-PS 21 Commissioning and Operation R.Steerenberg LIU-PS 22 Dismantling S.Gilardoni LIU-SPS 1 Management B.Goddard, Deputy E.Shaposhnikova LIU-SPS 2 Beam dynamics E.Shaposhnikova LIU-SPS 3 Magnets J.Bauche LIU-SPS 4 RF systems P.Baudrenghien, E.Montesinos, W.Hofle, T.Bohl LIU-SPS 5 Power Convertors K.Kahle LIU-SPS 6 Beam instrumentation L.Jensen LIU-SPS 7 Beam loss control V.Kain LIU-SPS 8 Electron cloud mitigation M.Taborelli LIU-SPS 9 Beam transfer systems B.Goddard LIU-SPS 10 Vacuum System J.A.Ferreira Somoza LIU-SPS 11 Controls M.Gourber-Pace LIU-SPS 12 Electrical Systems J.Pierlot LIU-SPS 13 Cooling and Ventilation M.Battistin LIU-SPS 14 Installation, Transport and handling I.Rühl LIU-SPS 15 Civil Engineering L.A.Lopez-Hernandez, J.Osborne LIU-SPS 16 Radiation Protection H.Vincke LIU-SPS 17 Machine Interlocks B.Pucio LIU-SPS 18 Alarms N.A. LIU-SPS 19 Access Systems, Doors LIU-SPS 20 Survey P.Bestmann LIU-SPS 21 Commissioning and Operation K.Cornelis, V.Kain LIU-SPS 22 Dismantling LIU-ION 1 Management D.Manglunki Deputy E.B.Hozer LIU-ION 2 Beam dynamics N.A LIU-ION 3 Magnets B.Bodart LIU-ION 4 RF systems W. Hofle LIU-ION 5 Power Convertors J.M.Cravero LIU-ION 6 Beam instrumentation LIU-ION 7 Ion dumps & stoppers R. Losito LIU-ION 8 Vacuum System LIU-ION 9 Ion Injection B.Goddard LIU-ION 10 LIU-ION 11 Controls N.A. LIU-ION 12 Electrical Systems LIU-ION 13 Cooling and Ventilation S. Deleval LIU-ION 14 Installation, Transport and handling I.Rühl LIU-ION 15 Civil Engineering LIU-ION 16 Radiation Protection LIU-ION 17 Machine Interlocks B.Pucio LIU-ION 18 Alarms LIU-ION 19 Access Systems, Doors LIU-ION 20 Survey LIU-ION 21 Commissioning and Operation LIU-ION 22 Dismantling LIU-ION 23 Source developments D.Küchler LIU Workpackages 1 August 2014 Edms Id 1403771 LIU-PM-PP-0030