Dan In Real Life What is it about???? -The movie opens with a dad who is widowed. He has three girls to care for, while working. -It shows him doing laundry and making lunches for the girls to take to school. -They then go out of town to visit with his family. -He meets a woman in a bookstore. -Finds out that his brother is dating the woman that he met in the bookstore. -Doesn’t want to tell his brother but continues to become increasingly jealous. -Goes out on a date with a different girl to try and make Marie jealous. -Marie finally leaves because she doesn’t want to be with his brother. -Texts Dan and they meet and go to a bowling alley to spend time together. -His family shows up at the same bowling alley and his brother gets really upset that Dan went after his ex. -Marie leaves because she doesn’t want to be in the middle. -Dan goes after her. -The end of the movie they get married. What is it about????
It is interpersonal conflict, relationship, and intimacy. Theme It is interpersonal conflict, relationship, and intimacy.
Concepts Struggles in life Living as a widowed parent and all the responsibilities that come with it. Finding true love. Family values. Respecting relationships
Conflicts Money(when he fills up the gas tank, he jokes about it taking the girls college funds) Between Dan and Marie Inner conflict(not wanting to ruin his brothers relationship by telling him he loves Marie) Between him and his daughters. His family that keeps trying to get into his business. Between him and his brother over Marie.
American Pie What is it about?? -It focuses on the lives of 5 teenage boys(Jim, Kevin, Oz, Finch, and Stifler) -A classmate, Stifler, says he lost his virginity. -They all make a deal to lose their virginity before the end of the year. -Jim is very sexually inexperienced. -Kevin and Vicki are in a relationship that she feels is centered around the fact he wants to have sex. -Oz joins jazz choir to try and meet a girl. -Jim gets caught having sex with an apple pie because he was told by his friends that third base is as warm as apple pie. -Jim has a girl over and his friends persuade him to set up a webcam so they can see what is going on, he accidentally sends the link to everyone in the school. -The girls exchange parents see the video and she gets sent back to her country. -They all get dates and go to prom. -The end of the movie they have all had sex and go to their favorite restaurant for breakfast. American Pie What is it about??
Theme Developing minds of teenagers in High School.
Concepts Relationships aren’t always just about sex. No one should feel pressured to have sex. Teenagers not thinking about the consequences of having sex. Sex shouldn’t be a priority in high school. Students feel embarrassed by their lack of experience. Virginity may be a more sensitive issue for men than women. Concepts
Conflicts There is conflict between all the friends. Between the women that they are wanting to have sex with. Jim with his father. The guys with classmates at school. Each person has conflicts with himself about not having sex and being inexperienced. Conflicts
Milk -It traces Harvey Milks career from his 40th birthday to his death. -Leaves New York City. -Opens a camera shop in San Francisco. -Publicly kisses his boyfriend in front of the camera shop. -Living off of unemployment -Milk wants to be the provider -Police hating the LGBT community -Milk loses the first race for supervisor -Runs for office with his boyfriend as his campaign manager. -Campaign activities start taking over his whole life -Milk loses the Assemblyman’s race, but has more votes than he ever has. -A riot breaks out -Smith moves out and leaves Milk because he can’t run another race -The new campaign manager is a lesbian -Sworn in by the Mayor -Starts a relationship with Jack -Milk asks everyone to come out of the closet and tell their families and friends -Jack hangs himself -Milk is assasinated What is it about??
Theme Struggle for gay rights.
Concepts Society being against gays. Push laws to be voted for. Moving up on the political ladder. Being killed for something you believe in. Gay rights activism turns to political activism. Sexual preferences.
Conflicts -Harvey against anti-gays -Scott and Milks relationship -The public -Police -With the elections -Fellow Politicians -Jack and Milks Relationship
How do these movies compare??? The different triumphs they have to overcome to gain happiness. They each show relationships and how they can evolve or how they can end. Each movie shows the struggles that people go through on a daily basis. It may not be the same struggles but everyone has things they are going through. Judgments from outside parties against them. They all have secrets How people react towards certain things in other peoples lives. They all have some sort of sexual content in them.
How do they differ??? The movies themselves take place in different locations and environments. The struggles they are going through are different. They all aren’t about politics, just Milk. Dan in real life is the only one that has children to take care of. One is about being gay, the others aren’t. Age difference between the main characters. One movie has a group of teenagers and the other is about older men. They all have a different audience. In American Pie and Dan in Real Life, they have parents helping them through their struggles. They are all different movie genres.