Adibasi Social Workers’ Association for Social Action Net-Work Adibasi Social Workers’ Association for Social Action Net-Work. (ASWASAN)
Vision: Building of a united, prosperous, castes & classless Gender sensitive and developed Kherwal (tribal) nationality based on human rights, equality, Food secured sustainable development, Social justice, equal opportunity, mosaic pattern of Socio-Cultural heritage in India and in human Society at large where the tribal human Resources can get due and proper place to flourish on its own way.
Mission: To motivate and organize the tribal and other rural backward communities through participatory social work method. To increase rate of literacy especiallly among the Girls and Mothers education in Mother language taking functional literacy approach. To promote voluntarism & voluntary actions amongst tribal Mothers and other Youth groups to ensure the good ‘Basic Health’ and minimize the Morbidity & Mortality . To generate awareness about constitutional Safeguards & rights to Education Act and human rights among the tribes and rural population. To publish the Research Works/Books/Magazines on tribal and women issues through Print /electronic media to protect and to disseminate the interest of the tribal other backward communities.
Activities adopted: (1) Community mobilization through socio-cultural and capacity building camps for traditiional social leaders (Male & Female) at Village level. (2) Youth mobilization by holding ‘Games & Sports Meets’ annually, (3) Awareness Camp organization to discuss issues of basic Health, primary Education & Socio-Economic, occupational & Cultural backwardness of Tribal people.(4) Workshop and Seminar of the Tribal traditional social leaders, Writers, Cultural Activists, Students, Social Workers and Women Activists, (5) Formation & Capacity building of Women SHGs. (7) Ashram Schools for Santali (Ol-Chiki) Education (8)Awareness Camp holding to discuss RCH, STD/RTI & HIV/AIDS, supply safe drinking water, Malnutrition, Sanitation and Environment. (9) Welfare work for tribal Aged persons, (10) Vocational Training Program for rural youths, (11) Publication of official News Paper ’, Books, etc.
ACTIVITIES Recitation contest
Worshiping ‘Inventor of Script’ ACTIVITIES Worshiping ‘Inventor of Script’
ACTIVITIES Speech of Secy.
ACTIVITIES Cultural Team
ACTIVITIES Teachers’ Training
Village Health Volunteers Trg. ACTIVITIES Village Health Volunteers Trg.
ASWASAN G.B.Members & Volunteers Mtg.
School Building over view
Traditional Music Contest Tribals’ traditional Music & Songs are practised less and less day to day-its going to be extinct.
Vill. Level Development Volunteers
Primary School Children
Pdt.Raghunath Murmu Kherwal Mission School Santali Teachers & the Banner
Health & Development Volunteers Training
Santali Primary School Students
Project Office, Taldangra, Bankura
New School Building , Dhanghori, Bankura
Inauguration Function
SHG Members Receiving Guests
SHGs Training Camp, JankiBandh, Bankura
Women Self Help Group (SHG) Members
Women Self Help Group
Vill. Level Health Volunteers
ASWASAN Executive Members & Dev.Volunteers
Adibasi Social Workers’ Asso.for Social Action Net Work Orgn. Profile Regn. No. S/1L/18388 /2003(W.B.S.R.Act-XXVI of 1961) Regd. Under I.T u/s-12A , 80G & 35AC. Regd. Under FCRA, Govt. of India. Unique ID(PS)(a) WB/2010/0025488(GOI), (b) WB/00018993(CSWBoard) PAN- AABAA0285B Has 3 trained Social Work Professionals & 5 Santali Educationists.
Panchanan Kisku (Gen.Secretary) Come join us in BANKURA & Purulia to be a part of the tribal empowerment projects Thank You Panchanan Kisku (Gen.Secretary) M-9476127796/ 7407011883 Email: