National Growth And Development
Birth of Cotton Industry First Industrial Revolution – 1700’s Textile Mills Fault Line = Water Power Displaced Cottage Industry Cotton Southern Climate = Cotton Production Costly Production Eli Whitney Cotton Gin One person could do the work of 50 Increased profitability of slavery Allowed expansion of plantation system Production and price of cotton soared
Modernization of Farming Preemption Act of 1830 Farmers could move west faster then survey teams Quickly developed western farming land Steel Plow Increased Production John Deere – Interchangeable parts Mechanical Seeders Mechanical Reaper Cyrus McCormick Do the work of 12 men
New Technology Canals and Railroads Samuel FB Morse Charles Goodyear National Rail Road Northeast Erie Canal New York City to Lake Erie to New Orleans Samuel FB Morse Telegraph Revolutionized Communications Charles Goodyear Patented vulcanized rubber Elias Howe Sewing Machine
The Lowell System Thomas Jefferson’s Embargo of 1807 increased Amerian Manufacturing Samuel Slater Steam Engine Secrets Textile Boom in Northeast Increased Cotton Production The Lowell System Francis Cabot Lowell Lowell Massachusetts Factory = First to Spin and Weave Cotton Mostly Young Women Workers
Continue Women Workers Harsh Working Conditions Good Dexterity Work for lower Wages From Farm Families/Communities Help for Escape from Founded thriving Society Harsh Working Conditions 13 hours a day/6 Days a week Working Conditions dangerous and unhealthy Over Charged for Dorm Rooms and Boarding Strict Rules Constant Cut in Wages and increase in Boarding
Mormonism Founded by Joseph Smith Beliefs Vision from God and Jesus Lost Testament of Bible = Book of Mormon Smith Translated Golden Tablets into English using “seeing” Stones Only Person to actually see tablets Beliefs Native Americans = Lost Tribe of Israel Color of Native America Skin = Punishment Jesus Second Coming Happened in US Leader of Church = Prophets who communicates with God Polygamy (originally, not today)
Continue Smith Brigham Young Founded Church in 1830 Persecuted for beliefs Founded Nauvoo Ill in 1839 Killed by mob on June 27, 1844 Brigham Young Successor to Smith Moved Mormons to Great Salt Lake in Utah (part of Mexico) Escape persecution Made the Desert Bloom Utah Became territory in 1847