Agenda Reading Program Elements What you can expect from instruction ? How do program elements support writing ? Mathematics Shifts in questioning and application Extending Mathematics at home DIBELS What is DIBELS ? What can I expect throughout the year ? Agenda
Leveled Readers (Journeys) The use of leveled readers allows the classroom teacher to deliver differentiated reading exposure and practice to students without the need for differing texts. All students read content relative to the same theme, skills, and essential questions, and are led through comprehension tasks- the reading level is simply adjusted to appropriately meet the needs of the students Should be done in small groups, with support Let’s take a look!
Whole Group Instruction (Wonders) Typically used as a first-read and/or last-read Allows for analyzing story elements and text features together, in a large group, with technology or audio assistance Benefits independent readers or readers needing support Provides students with varied genres: expository text, fables or legends, poetry, narrative, etc. Valuable character analysis, vocabulary capture, and evidence capture for comprehension Lets take a look!
Connecting Across Texts (Reach For Reading) Valuable skill for comprehension and analysis Shifts in testing represent the need to develop this skill, becoming a true measure of a reader’s understanding by identifying essential content and connecting it to similar elements from a different source Non-fiction, Fiction, news articles, and poems- all compared to and against each other in a variety of ways Evidence capture, identifying text structures and comparing vocabulary need to be part of each students’ “toolbox” Let’s take a look!
EnVision Mathematics Focused on student engagement, perseverance in problem solving, practical applications, part-to-whole relationships, and modeling/explaining thinking Provides comprehensive program: whole class, small group, intervention, center-based
Sample Lesson Structure- EnVision Math Problem-based interaction (focuses students on the skill they’ll need to use for this lesson) Lesson modeling and guided practice Independent practice Student breakout- intervention, enrichment, student centers Close with recap, review, or quick-check -Lets take a look!
Problem Solving Performance Tasks Gives a glimpse at many of the skills and considerations in place for activities throughout the lesson (independent word problem attack, “pose the problem”, or Enrichment activities) Affirms student knowledge in many modes Performance Tasks Represent the shift in what students are required to produce for modern assessments Standalone problems and multiple choice are gone- Replaced by progressive problem-solving and explanations of student reasoning
Modeling Mathematics Elementary math shift, connecting part/whole relationships to basic operations (add, subt, mult, div) Confirms student knowledge of concepts, seen often in testing Example - Total Amount Unknown Kim has 23 antique dolls. Her Father gives her 18 more antique dolls. Now how many antique dolls does she have? ??? Number Sentence: 23 + 18 = ??? How many dolls does she have? 23 18
DIBELS What is it? Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills- DIBELS Used as baseline measure in Sept, tested again in January and May Used in many districts throughout the country
Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) Measures speed and accuracy within a prompt Timed (one minute) Words read per minute, not counting errors Just one measure, progress is monitored frequently by classroom teachers, reading specialists, and Title-1 tutors throughout the year
Home/School Connections Articles/Playbooks for helping students learn at home and resources for parents Topic overviews, make & take, and insight into the upcoming topic. Provides an activity for home that students can participate in Available on our BBES website for all topics, sent home by classroom teachers as well