MHtE’s introducing Mobility project EEA GRANTS 2016-2017 Hungary, Island, Norway Hungarian Association of Welding Technology and Material Testing Hungary/Magyarország/ Budapest 1148. Fogarasi út 10-14 / +36 70 400 2764 Dr. Béla Szabó director
A MHtE was founded in 1990 in Budapest. Its main activities are QA of qualification and the certification of welders, material testers, welding engineers, technicians etc. and the promotion of advanced studies of the professionals and the development of the welding industry. The owners of MHtE are schools, trade, and industrial firms. MHtE has more than 100 certified training units as cooperation partners for training welders, welding engineers (IWE, IWT, etc.) and material tester according to European accredited qualification and certification system. MHtE has a wide range of connections and cooperation with education and SMEs. Every year is arranged a countrywide conference for the welding coordinators and also there are various conferences, workshops, and training courses organized for the instructors, trainers, teachers and lecturers. MHtE also represents craft business and companies.
MHtE as the sectorial partner in Hungary Present in the name of the MHtE Hungarian Association of Welding Technology and Material Testing, the word “Association” assures the organization’s main activities fit the Sector Skills Alliances requirements. In Hungary, MHtE is the leader organization with expertise in education training in the industrial sector business. MHtE is the main implementer of the international requirements is into the national requirements. MHtE has contacts with the Government, the Trade Chamber, more than 100 VET schools and more than 250 industrial companies. As a member of MHtE’s organisation structure, there is a training organisation, named MHtE’s Academy, specifically developed to address certification of the different European and international professions. MHtE is responsible for issuing diplomas both for welders and welding professionals at upper levels. This aspects in MHtE portfolio addresses the importance associated with the participation in the MAKE -IT project as a sectorial organization, aiming to find and implement the equivalent or similar to equivalent professions’ competences between the national and international skills alliances.
Main activities /1/ 1. Personal certification for welders and material testers by MSZ EN ISO 9606, 14732, MSZ EN 13067 and MSZ EN ISO 9712. MHtE is accredited organisation by National Accreditation Authority by MSZ EN ISO 17024. 2. Product certification body by MSZ EN ISO 3834. MHtE is accredited organisation by MSZ EN ISO 17065 by National Accreditation Authority.
Main activities/2/ 3.ANB, Authorised National Body issuing of diplomas at different welding levels, by EWF and IIW. 4.ANBCC, Athorised National Body for Company certification by EWF and IIW by EN ISO and ISO 3834. 5. Notified Body by 68/2014/EU / approval of welders and technologies and third party to approve of material testers.
Main activities /3/ 6. Nominated organisation by govermental authority for certification of the manufactures produced welded products / 3/98 IKM rules/ 7. Nominated organisation by govermental authority for certification of material testers by MSZ EN 4179 at airspace vehicles of inspection services.
Main activities/4/ 8.Certification of training centers/ metal and plastic/ more than 100 firms 9. Certification in the frame of the contract between DVS SLV Hannover and MHtE for manufactures by EN 1090 , EN 15085 / more than 100 firms/
Main activities /5/ 10.Education of welding inspection personal 11.Issuing of Welding Journal „ Hegesztéstechnika „ 4 times each year since 1990. 12.Welding conference each year with 180-200 participants for welding coordinators 13.Participating in welding projects 14. Expert activities 15. Organise of welding exhibition in every 2 year 16.Study tour 17. Softwares, books, dictionaries