Pollution and Conservation Objective- -Identify the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources -Create ways to conserve resources
Key Vocabulary Fossil fuels Renewable and Nonrenewable resources Conservation Reduce Reuse recycle
Question What were some ways you came up with to conserve water? What other things should we conserve?
Renewable vs. Nonrenewable resources Renewable-any natural resource that can be replenished naturally over time (eg. wood or solar energy) NONrenewable- any natural resource that cannot be replaced once it is used up(eg. oil and coal) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEeH4EniM3E https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6_adfcO8clo&t=187s
What are fossil fuels? https://www.brainpop.com/science/energy/fossilfuels/ Why do we need to conserve fossil fuels?
Conservation (to conserve) Definition- the protection of plants and animals, natural areas and resources What is REDUCE, REUSE and RECYCLE Reduce-use LESS Reuse- use something AGAIN Recycle- make something new from old materials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8DJ45Yc3urg
What can we do? What are ways we can conserve our RENEWABLE resources? What about NONRENEWABLE resources? How can YOU reduce, reuse or recycle?
Pollution and Conservation Objective- -Identify the effects of pollution to land, water, and air -Describe ways to reduce pollution
Review Ways to conserve renewable and nonrenewable resources: Turn off lights when not in use Carpool or ride bikes or walk Don’t throw everything away. Donate or recycle Use less paper/ write on both sides Play outside- use less tv/video games Solar power
Key Vocabulary Environment Pollution Acid rain Litter
What is Pollution? The things that make up an area- air, water and land- form our environment Pollution is when a harmful substance is added to the environment -can come from natural sources like forest fires and volcanoes -most comes from humans
List cause and effects of water, air and land pollution
Air Pollution Gases and dust get in the air when burning fossil fuels Gases can combine with water droplets to form acid rain- which can harm living things and damage buildings Other gases can form smog- makes it hard to breath https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BAs3fSLJItw
Water Pollution -People dump waste from homes or factories into oceans, lakes and rivers -Fertilizers and pesticides can be washed away into nearby waters during storms -Oil spills from ships can pollute water -many fish, birds and mammals can be harmed or killed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ee20Ueg_gC4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nBVL3lp9fGo
Land Pollution Litter- throwing trash on the ground Against the law Pollutes land and soil
List cause and effects of water, air and land pollution Use your chart for your ticket out the door. Write a cause and effect of water, land or air pollution. EX- A cause of _______ pollution is ___________. An effect of this is _________________________.
What can we do??? Write some ways we can stop water, air and land pollution https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6m4wNhbFt0