SCORE Annual Review 2016 17-21 October 2016 Venue: Jinja – Nile Resort John Baptist Acellam TA – Socio Economic Strengthening
GOAL To decrease the vulnerability of critically and moderately vulnerable children and their household
SES Objective To improve the socio-economic status of VC HH
Strategies Activities
SES Menu of Interventions Village Savings and Loans Associations Community skills training Financial Literacy Apprenticeship training Market intelligence and linkages Value Chain Development
Outcomes Income growth Increased savings Asset accumulation Employment opportunities to youth. Reduction in economic vulnerability. Increased access to financial services-saving and credit
Main source of Household income
Change in household income
Main Contributor to household income
VSLA Cumulative Membership
VSLA Cumulative Performance
VSLA Current Membership
Current VSLA Performance
Quote. “… when I joined Marinde VSLA group Quote. “… when I joined Marinde VSLA group. I had never saved any money before, neither would I pay my children’s school fees and I only dreamt of building a decent house for me and my children” – Medius
Community skills
Quote Olivia says “I now work harder, follow my desires, goals and my principle is never give up easily”.
Financial Literacy
Household linked to market
Target 2015/2016
Key Learning –best practices Follow the VSLA methodology Continuous involvement of local leaders is key Beneficiaries participation leverages project output ownership and sustainability Engaging former and successful beneficiaries (e.g. former apprentices) with capacities to train new apprentices - is Cheaper and an incentive to new trainees Linkage to local SACCO with good reputation in areas where there are no commercial banks
Areas for strengthening Male involvement should be increased Sequencing of the implementation of the menu for consistency (VSLA-FL-SPM-ABT….) A mixed of VC and active poor in group
Challenges and opportunities Lack of artisans in some locations hence difficulty of placing of the youth e.g Buvuma district Distance of banks affect linkage Low attendance of activities by VCs Community skills trained not being practiced
Priorities – Focus for Year 6 Strengthen VSLAs through the Village Agent model training Promoting social insurance schemes and linkages to other financial services through financial literacy sessions. Provide market oriented skills development mainly through FL,SPM trainings Prioritizing apprenticeship skills training for AGYW Develop enterprise and market opportunities to enable improvements in the value chain.
70 new VSLAs formed, and 100 VSLAs completing their financial cycle 1,750 overall vulnerable households enrolled in VSLAs. 2,000 vulnerable households trained on basic financial literacy and business skills implementation area where VSLA groups are still being trained and formed. 700 new apprentices and 700 youth completing apprenticeships. 3,000 vulnerable households will be engaged in SCORE-identified value chains.
Change stories