Cold War at Home H-SS 11.9.3 – Trace the origins and geopolitical consequences (foreign and domestic) of the Cold War and containment policy including the following: the era of McCarthyism, instances of domestic Communism (e.g. Alger Hiss) and blacklisting….
The Red Scare- McCarthyism H-SS Trace the origins and geopolitical consequences (foreign and domestic) of the Cold War and containment policy, including the following: the era of McCarthyism, instances of domestic Communism (e.g. Alger Hiss) and blacklisting…
1950s- rumors and accusations of Communists in the US led to fears that Communists were attempting to take over the world.
The Red Scare began in 1945, and escalated into a fear of Communist subversion- an effort to weaken a society and other throw its government.
In 1947, Truman est. the Federal Employee Loyalty Program to screen all federal employees to see if they were communists, its goal was to calm Americans, instead it led to fear that Communists were infiltrating the gov’t. It also compiled a list of totalitarian, fascist, or subversive organizations in the U.S. Americans who belonged to these groups came under scrutiny and were labeled “security risks” and dismissed from their jobs.
The 1940 Smith Act was used to cripple the Communist Party in the U.S. It made it unlawful to teach or advocate the violent overthrow of the US government.
Congress Hunts Communists 1938 the House of Representatives formed the House Committee on Un-American Activities (HUAC) – it investigated the gov’t, armed services, unions, education, science, newspapers, etc. Best known HUAC investigations targeted the movie industry. A group of left-wing writers, directors, and producers known as the Hollywood Ten refused to answer questions and asserted the 5th Amendment rights.
Hollywood Ten were tried for contempt of court and sent to prison. Movie executives circulated a blacklist of those suspected of being communists, this ruined their careers.
Spy Cases Worry Americans Alger Hiss- Had a flawless career as gov’t servant-New Deal and help organize the United Nations.
Whittaker Chambers wrote a compelling story revealing his past life as a communist agent. Richard Nixon encouraged the investigation of Hiss and it turned out he was a Communist spy. The case scared Americans and helped Richard Nixon’s career-he became President