Welcome to Year 8 Options evening
Mr Goulding Principal
The school’s aspiration:
Why a Three Year Key Stage 4? 60 hours more per option subject Deeper learning and engagement Better outcomes Earlier opportunities to think about the future GCSE RPE by the end of Year 10
Inspiring excellence, fulfilling potential New KS4 courses are more demanding designing the options with this in mind …….. Sufficient stretch and challenge Sufficient support Appropriate learning styles and course make up ………..leads to different pathways
Miss Nightingale Vice Principal
What does the Key Stage 4 curriculum look like? All students continue with certain subjects as part of the National Curriculum (Core Curriculum) English Maths Science Personal Development (PD) Religion, Philosophy and Ethics (RPE) Core Physical Education (PE)
In addition, students choose a number of options Optional subjects In addition, students choose a number of options Each option subject has 4 ppf in Years 9 and 10 and 5ppf in Year 11 The list of options and details regarding the subjects can be found in the Options Booklet Most options lead to GCSE accreditation
Year 8 Options Pathways No one pathway is better or worse than another, they are just different journeys through KS4.
Why have Pathways? To inspire excellence and to fulfil potential To stretch and challenge all pupils To support those of who need more support To meet the learning styles of all our learners To meet the more demanding nature of the KS4 courses To ensure pupils do not ‘drop’ subjects throughout KS4 To increase the number of pupils studying EBACC subjects
How does this affect Your Son/Daughter Pathways will be decided based on prior data (KS2), potential (CATs & ARTi), current performance, teacher recommendations and FT recommendations. This will then be looked at by Mr Milner and Miss Nightingale to make the final decisions. Your son/daughter will only receive the booklet for the pathway which has been chosen for them. Some pupils will have a choice if they are on the cusp of two pathways through a discussion with Miss Nightingale and Mr Milner (already taking place). Nothing is set in stone, but will need to be discussed. So if they want to do a subject not on their pathway this can happen and is not a reason for changing pathways. All pupils will have a 121 options interview. A second interview will be on offer for those who wish to discuss subjects not on their pathway (parents are welcome). No one pathway is better or worse than another they are just different journeys through KS4.
The Orange Pathway One option choice taken with two extra English and two extra Maths lessons pf with your English and Maths teachers. One Option given to Foundation Learning (ASDAN in Year 9 and College in Years 10 & 11 Two other free choices Mainly vocational courses to suit learning styles
“At key stage 4, students are encouraged to take up to three technical awards alongside a minimum of five academic GCSEs from the list of EBacc subjects” DfE, December 2015
What are technical awards? - much less reliant on an exam and more on continuous assessment - related to employment in a particular ‘sector’ - recommended for progression to further education in that sector
Our technical awards BTEC Sport - Hospitality and Catering BTEC Dance BTEC Business BTEC Music ICT
The Purple Pathway Combined (Double Science). Four other free choices. A mixture of vocational and academic courses to suit learning styles (guided in individual interviews).
The English Baccalaureate ‘Awarded’ when students secure at least grade 5 in; English Maths Science (Combined or Triple) A modern language History or Geography
The Red Pathway One option choice taken with the language currently studied. One Option given a humanity subject (History A or B or Geography). Two other free choices. Mainly academic courses to suit learning styles. Option to take Triple Science with the department’s recommendation.
The Blue Pathway One option choice taken with the language currently studied. One option given a humanity subject (History A or B or Geography). One option to take Triple Science. One other free choice. Mainly academic courses to suit learning styles.
Progression – the Hunts picture Route Huntingdon area % Female Male AS/A Levels 54.3 505 443 Level 3 Vocational Courses 8.3 66 78 GCSE Courses 0.7 4 8 L2 Vocational Courses 19.9 156 192 L1 Vocational Courses 6.6 39 77 Other Qualifications 3.2 19 36 Employment and/or Training 3.8 15 50 NEET 1.7 12 17 Other 1.9 14
Progression…post-16 and beyond ‘Facilitating’ subjects at A Level Informed Choices – the Russell group publication How my choices now may affect my options later on…
Mr Milner Head of Year 8
Making choices Information and guidance is key to making good choices Parents and carers Form tutors Subject teachers Careers websites indicated at the back of the KS4 Options booklet Careers library and department
Guidance for making choices Students should try to select courses from as many different disciplines as possible 2. They can only choose one of the two History courses When choosing a language, students should choose the language they are currently studying They can only choose one Art and Design course 5. They can only choose one of the Music courses Explain why there are rules- broad and balanced curriculum + logistics
How should your Son/Daughter choose? Think, discuss Assembly presentations Individual interview Read the booklet Come to Options Evening Talk to your tutor
Bad reasons for choosing? My friends are doing it I want the same teacher in Year 9 as I had in Year 8 Last minute rush I think I ought to do this subject (but don’t really know why) The subject sounds good My older sister did it
Important dates 30th January Options Assembly 31st January Options Evening 21st February Parents Evening 1st - 28th February Individual interviews 3rd and 6th March Option forms handed in By end March Draft options choice confirmation (by letter) Parents evening can offer vital guidance as to a students ability to attain well in any given subject
Students were given their booklets this afternoon They were given the booklet for the pathway chosen for your son/daughter. Please remember this is not set in stone and interviews may mean a few changes occur or other options subjects are made available.
Your options form is the last sheet in the booklet Due in between 3rd – 6th March! They should be signed by a parent / carer and student They will be checked and signed by the form tutor before being collected
Subject Workshop sessions Will be held in the classrooms in Lower School Timetables are posted in Lower School and in the PAC foyer You can attend up to 6 workshop sessions Senior members of staff will be available in Lower School if you have any further questions There are also copies available on the tables in the foyer Each session will last approximately 15 mins