Interest Groups and Lobbying
What is an Interest Group? Organized group of individuals that share common goals or objectives Work to influence policymakers in all three branches of government, and at all levels Pluralism
Why People Join Interest Groups? Free Riders Someone who can obtain the benefits of membership without participation or even joining Incentives Solidary incentives Material incentives Purposive incentives
Types of Interest Groups Economic Interest Groups Environmental Interest Groups Public Interest Groups Special Interest Groups
Public & Special Interest Groups Public Interest Groups – groups that advocate the interests of the collective, overall community Nader organizations -- organizations organized under the leadership of consumer activist Ralph Nader Special Interest Groups – narrowly focused interest groups. Examples include abortion interest groups and groups that advocate for individuals who share a racial, ethnic or age association
Interest Group Strategies: Direct Techniques Lobbying – meeting officials and attempting to convince of your position on an issue; Lobbying also entails testifying before congressional committees testifying before executive rulemaking agencies assisting in the drafting of legislation entertaining legislators providing information to legislators assisting in nominating individuals to government posts Ratings – scoring legislators based on their votes in congress, then making interested constituents aware of those scores Campaign Assistance – providing workers for political campaigns Political Action Committees –a committee that raises money and gives donation on behalf of organizations to political candidates or political parties.
Interest Group Strategies: Indirect Techniques Generating Public Pressure – trying to influence the government by using public opinion on an issue Using Constituents as Lobbyists shotgun approach means having large numbers of constituents act in concert by writing, emailing, phoning or sending postcards to a legislator rifle approach involves having an influential constituent contact a legislator on a particular issue Building Alliances – forming alliances with other diverse groups who share a policy goal
Congressional Committees The Iron Triangle Congressional Committees Interest Groups Executive agencies
Attempts at Regulating Lobbyists Some regulations on lobbying passed in 1995-96 include defining “lobbyist” requiring lobbyists to register requiring semiannual reports Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (BUSH 43) Quaterly reporting $10K spending cap Earmarks made public Obama Claimed would not employ lobbyists in administration Limited access to administration officials By 2010, many former lobbyists had administration posts