Unit 2 Civic Engagement/Influencing the Government EQ: How do Media, individuals, and interest groups monitor and influence society and government?
Bell Work 8/25-26/16 How can an individual have an impact/influence on the government? Give me examples. How can you impact/influence SCHOOL policy (rules)? REPHRASE THE QUESTION If you finish early you may work on your social studies section of your notebook. DO NOT GET OUT OF YOUR SEAT WITHOUT PERMISSION!!!!!
How do Individuals Impact Government? Running for office Petitioning government officials Collecting signatures on issues Speaking at meetings Sending letters Making campaign contributions ANY INDIVIDUAL CAN HAVE AN IMPACT!!
Interest Groups Groups of individuals with a common interest who seek to influence public policy. EX: National Association of Manufacturers American Medical Association There are Environmental Interest Groups INTERERST GROUPS Monitor developments. They keep track of any legislation or government agencies that might affect their area of focus.
Lobbying The word came from hired representatives of interest groups tried to corner legislators in the lobbies of their hotels or legislative buildings to speak to them. LOBBYIST A paid agent of an interest group who talks to people in the government and tries to influence bills, regulations, and laws.
(PAC) Political Action Committee The law permits any interest group to form its own PAC. PAC’s can funnel larger sums of money to a candidate than an individual person or small business is allowed.
Litigation The Good Side HERE’S a COOL VIDEO Many interest groups do work for the common good. Civil rights activist work for many minority groups. They will go through Litigation, which is filing and defending against lawsuits in court. https://youtu.be/NflULVECAFQ
FOCUS 8/29/2016 FYI: Focus is Bell Work Write about a time you convinced someone to do something or buy something or believe something? What was it? How did you convince them? Do you think you are good at convincing people? When you are done…get ready to take some notes!! THIS STUFF IS GOING TO BE SOOOOOOOO COOOL!
Media Influence The media refers to “mass media”, methods of communicating to large number of people. Newspapers Magazines Radio television Internet websites. The Media is our “Watch Dog” (NOT AN ACTUAL ANIMAL!)..*what does a dog have to do with media…*shaking head* They question the government officials and research government activities to expose wrongdoing.
WHAT IS Propaganda. How is it Used. AM I impacted by it WHAT IS Propaganda? How is it Used? AM I impacted by it? (yes…we all are) Propaganda is the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring a cause. Therefore, propaganda may not always have negative intentions. HOWEVER, the sole purpose of propaganda is to convince. IT is to sell you something: An idea A service A product
There are 7 Types of Propaganda Bandwagon Testimonial Transfer Repetition Glittering Generalities Name Calling Plain Folk
BANDWAGON Bandwagon Everyone is doing it… Be part of the crowd… 99 Billion People Like McDonald’s…so you will too. You’re a weirdo if you don’t like McDonald’s. Everyone is doing it… Be part of the crowd… Don’t get left out..
Testimonial No photo shop Here…. #totallyphotoshopped Testimonials are quotations or endorsements which connect a famous or respectable person with a product or item.
Transfer -Feelings (good or bad) are transferred to something else. Using words that will get your feelings about one thing transferred to another thing. Usually dealing with Patriotism (‘MERICA) May also include Love or Popularity Power and fame Money and wealth
Repetition Repeating a key word or phrase in hopes that it will be remembered. A logo might be used repeatedly I’m Loving it Just Do It RED ROBIN…. YUM (you couldn’t help it)
Glittering Generalities Using Words that sound good but don’t really mean anything. Creates a favorable image in the mind of the consumer. NEW AND IMPROVED BIGGER AND BETTER
NAME CALLING You’re a Goober head! Uses words to give you a negative impression of the other person or product. Generally used in political campaigns.
Plain FOLK Just one of the guys or girls. Used to appeal to the general public by saying that the people in the ads are the same as you, Have the same problems and understand you. We’re just like you…in our thousand dollar suits, Eating regular food…on our private jet. Don’t you have a private jet?
Card Stacking You may want to know this…I’ll Quiz you Making the best possible for one side. Presenting half the facts to favor ones argument or view point. These ads are carefully worded and do not mention anything of the opposite opinion.