Political Maps Physical (Topographic) Maps Important Physical Features U.S. Geography Political Maps Physical (Topographic) Maps Important Physical Features
Northeast Midwest West South
Important Physical Features Atlantic Ocean Hudson River Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River Great Plains Rocky Mountains Pacific Ocean
The Atlantic Ocean Served as a barrier to isolate North America Served as a highway for the British in the 16 and 1700’s (most British colonies were clustered around the eastern coast of North America) The Atlantic Ocean
Hudson River Major route of trade during the colonial period (16 and 1700’s) Strategic waterway during the American Revolution (1775 – 1783)
Appalachian Mountains First major barrier to settlers traveling to the West Appalachian Mountains
1. Major path of trade for the United States 2. Empties into the Gulf of Mexico at New Orleans
Mississippi River Delta (New Orleans)
Hurricane Katrina
Great Plains “Breadbasket” of the United States
Rocky Mountains Major barrier to settlement in the mid 1800’s
Pacific Ocean Highway for an “American Empire” in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s
Unites States at night
Sun Belt
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