What is global pattern of food consumption? (10) What factors can hinder food supply in sub-Saharan Africa? (15)
Can food production be sustainably increased? Key Question 1.3 Can food production be sustainably increased?
There are many ways in which food production can be increased There are many ways in which food production can be increased. With almost all, there are questions about sustainability. Your task is to research one topic from the 4 below: Hydroponics and aeroponics (Aerogreen Technology – soil-less farm Singapore) The Blue Revolution (Prawn farming, Supanburi, Thailand) Genetic Modification (GM debate, e.g. Monsanto vs Friends of the Earth (FOE)) The Second Green Revolution (Manmohan Singh’s 7 point plan for India’s agriculture. There are example case studies in the brackets but if you find others you can include them also.
Decide whether or not food production can be sustainably increased? You should all have a copy of all 4 areas of study with case studies. You are going to combine the information to answer the overall question. Use a SWOT analysis to help you decide on your answer.
Cost / Benefit Analysis Advantages Disadvantages SOCIAL ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTAL
SWOT Analysis Helpful (to achieve the objective) Harmful (to achieve the objective) Internal factors key to achieving the objective Strengths Weaknesses External factors key to achieving the objective Opportunities Threats Strengths: characteristics of the option that give it an advantage over others. Weaknesses: characteristics that place the option at a disadvantage relative to others. Opportunities: elements that the option could exploit to its advantage. Threats: elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the option.
Look at the information in the Sustainability Booklet to see if there is anything else that can be added to your SWOT Analysis?
H/W - Using named case studies discuss what factors best promote food production (25). By 3/2/17
Can food production be increased sustainably? Essay Question Using your SWOT analysis answer the following question: Can food production be increased sustainably? (25) In by 3/2/17
What is the difference between intensification and extensification?
Look at how technology can enhance sustainability in greater detail. Create a mind map to show understanding of how: Technological advances Intermediate technology Other developments .