Working with Enterprise Societies
Why are they any different from other student societies? Funders expect institutions to have them Careers Services can add significant value to their activities They carry risk for students and/or the institution without some form of guidance and support Done right, they are fun to work with
Bright Futures Is an enterprise club a good thing to have? Yes because … NACUE Entrepreneurial institutions have entrepreneurial students Bright Futures Students are generally better at enthusing themselves than Careers Services are Access to a mine of creativity and energy Encourages the engagement of students who are not immediate entrepreneurs but are interested in the agenda It makes very good copy
Is an enterprise club a good thing to have? Maybe because: They do things the University might not like very much but can still blame you for – control defeats the objective Every year is different – is that good or just inconsistent Do I trust my contacts and relationships to them? Do entrepreneurs form clubs or start businesses?
What does a Entrepreneurs’ Club do anyway? For serious entrepreneurs & investors only The speaker driven Competition and wider engagement driven Project based Driven from outside the institution? Ego driven?
What could possibly go wrong? Four ‘true stories’ from York and the USA Discuss and offer sound advice
Toward good practice? Careers are a partner – not a manager Projects can focus them Access to networks – managed, considered and sustainable Ensure that use of the institutions name is commensurate with level of involvement Establish ‘duty of care’ definitions for the institution (insurance and democracy)