INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY CONSTRUCTS OCB Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is extra-role rather than in-role behavior, a free will conduct as it is excluded from the formal reward system but one of the most important factors influencing organizational effectiveness (Organ 1988). Construct of OCB Altruism, Conscientiousness, Sportsmanship, Courtesy , Civic Virtue
OC OC has been defined as a “psychological state that binds the individual to the organization”. Construct of OC Regarding OC this study will follow a three-dimensional model proposed by Allen and Mayer (1990), according to this model OC results as an interaction among Affective Commitment a desire to stay, Continuance commitment a need to stay and Normative Commitment an obligation to stay.
OS OS is hiding and concealment of opinions, views, thoughts, solutions about organizational issues and problems having negative consequences on organizations including organizational effectiveness (Vandine 2003, Morrison and Millikan 2000). OS Construct Acquiescent Silence > Non-defensive and employees have no motives to speak. Quiescent Silence> defensive silence, motives to hide information based on the feelings that having voice has negative outcomes. Pro-Social Silence> motives that withholding information will help others. In contrast to defensive silence its based on feelings for others.
Theoretical Support Spiral of Silence Theory.> proposed by Bowen and Blackmon (2003). occurrence of organizational silence. Social Exchange Theory.> Cook, Cheshire, Rice, & Nakagawa (2013).
Objectives of the study The main objective of the study is; To find the main effects of OS and OC on OCB. To find whether OC mediates the relationship of OS on OCB.
Theoretical framework Organizational Silence Organizational Commitment Organizational Citizenship Behavior
Hypotheses of the study H1: Organizational Silence has a negative impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. H2: Organizational Silence has a negative impact on Organizational Commitment. H3: Organizational Commitment has a positive impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. H4: Organizational Commitment mediates the relationship between Organizational Silence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.
Significance of the study An important contribution of this research in the existing literature will be finding the proof between the associations of OS with OCB in a Pakistan specifically in higher education sector. Another significant aspect of the study is the investigation of the mediating effect of OC between the relationships of OS on OCB, yet not evidenced by the existing literature [Fatima et al 2014]. The findings of the study will have high importance for the management of higher educational institutions to impart about the effects of OS on OC and OCB, and regarding the mediating role of OC between the relationship of OS and OCB.
Research Methodology Quantitative descriptive study Population (Lower level administrative staff of all 19 public sector Higher educational institutions of KP Pakistan) Sample of the Research ( 220 =73% Respondents based on slovins formula n=N/1+(N+e square) from four universities KUST,USTB,UOP and AUP.
Instruments Used Already established scales . OCB Scale > OCB measured as a latent construct developed by podsackoff et all (1990). . OS Scale> developed by Vandyne (2003). .OC Scale> developed by Allen and mayer (1991).
Methodology Continue….. Data collection, through single questionnaire 1st demographics, 2nd OS, 3rd OCB and 4th OC. having 63 items distributed by hand and through lead contact friends. 7 point liker-Type scale was used where SD(1) for strongly disagree……….SA(7) for strongly agree.
Pilot Study A pilot study based on 10 respondents( KUST) were conducted under the rules specified by Cronbach (1951), and 0.70 value was specified for alpha coefficient for the entire variable recommended by Nunnally and Bernstein (1978). Reliabilities found for OS(.852),OCB(.70=.697) and OC(.79).
Analyses Descriptive Statistiques Reliability Analyses Régression Analyses
Reliability of the study variables S.NO Factors N items Cronbach,s Alpha 1 OS 26 .884 2 OC 21 .70 3 OCB 16 .801
Descriptive Statistics of OS, OCB and OC. N Mean Std. Deviation OS 220 5.62 .691 OC 3.52 .592 OCB 2.17 .657 Valid N (list wise)
Demographics and Descriptive Statistics Gender Age Experience Qualification Designation
Gender Table 3.6 shows the gender wise distribution of the study variables. Gender wise means of OS, OC and OCB are; OS: female (5.96) and male (5.57). OC: female (3.48) and male (3.52). OCB: female (2.16) and male (2.17)
Age Table 3.7 shows age wise means of OS, OC and OCB such as; Age of Respondents Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid 25-35 121 55.0 36-45 57 25.9 80.9 46-56 29 13.2 94.1 56+ 13 5.9 100.0 Total 220 Table 3.7 shows age wise means of OS, OC and OCB such as; OS: 25-35 (5.68), 36-45 (5.65), 46-56 (5.41) and above 56 (5.32). OC: 25-35 (3.52), 36-45 (3.45), 46-56 (3.63) and above 56 (3.46). OCB: 25-35 (2.22), 36-45 (2.01), 46-56 (2.29) and above 56 (2.12).
Qualifications Qualification of the Respondents Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Intermediate 20 9.1 Undergraduate 87 39.5 48.6 Graduate 72 32.7 81.4 Post Graduate 41 18.6 100.0 Total 220 Table 3.8 shows the means of OS, OC and OCB among different qualification levels. OS: intermediate (5.70), under graduate (5.62), graduate (5.61) and post graduate (5.32). OC: intermediate (3.57), under graduate (3.54), graduate (3.44) and post graduate (3.57) OCB: intermediate (2.23), under graduate (2.08), graduate (2.18) and post graduate (2.29)
Experience Experience of Respondents Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Frequenc y Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid Less than 1 year 19 8.6 1 to 3 years 28 12.7 21.4 3 to 5 years 76 34.5 55.9 5 to 10 years 54 24.5 80.5 Above than 10 years 43 19.5 100.0 Total 220 Table 3.9 shows experience wise mean distribution of OS OC and OCB. OS: less than one year (5.80), 1-3 years (5.63), 3-5 years (5.72), 5-10(5.57) years and above than 10 years (5.48). OC: less than one year (3.46), 1-3 years (3.62), 3-5 years (3.48),5-10 years (3.52) and above than 10 years (3.50). OCB: less than one year (2.51), 1-3 years (2.71), 3-5 years (2.07), 5-10 years (1.17) and above than 10 years (2.10).
Designation Designation was measured as an open ended question as the study sample is only lower level administrative staff so there was no need of further categorizations. People responded the questionnaires were of different titles such as accountants, sports coaches, superintendents, accounts assistants, audit assistants, office assistants, computer operators, generator operators, lab assistants, sub engineers, telephone operators, junior clerks.
Regression between OS and OCB Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 3.838 .346 11.096 .000 OS -.297 .061 -.313 -4.864 a. Dependent Variable: OCB
Regression between OS and OC Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 4.535 .320 14.153 .000 OS -.182 .057 -.212 -3.206 .002 a. Dependent Variable: OC
Regression between OC and OCB Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients T Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 1.271 .261 4.868 .000 OC .255 .073 .230 3.486 .001 a. Dependent Variable: OCB
Mediation Regression among OS, OC and OCB Coefficients Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 2.976 .473 6.295 .000 OS -.263 .062 -.277 -4.259 OC .190 .072 .171 2.635 .009 a. Dependent Variable: OCB
Discussion and Conclusion S. No Hypotheses Supported/ Not Supported 1 H1: Organizational Silence has a negative impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. B= -.313 , P= .000 Supported 2 H2: Organizational Silence has a negative impact on Organizational Commitment. B= -.212 , p= .002 3 H3: Organizational Commitment has a positive impact on Organizational Citizenship Behavior. B= .230, p= .001 4 H4: Organizational Commitment mediates the relationship between Organizational Silence and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. B= -.277 on the same significance level P= 0.009 Partially Supported
Future Research Directions Since the predictor variable OS and the mediating variable OC have low explanatory power on the association with OCB, it means that other variables may have greater explanatory power in this relationship needs to be focused in the future studies. Taking respondents’ personality’s characteristics under consideration can result into various findings as personality affecting respondents perceptions. Yet almost all the research work regarding OS and its association with OC and OCB is done in international environment and not in Pakistan. So organizational cultural aspects can be checked in relationship to OS and OCB. All the variable of this study are measured as single construct. So finding relationship of these constructs into dimensions will explore the issue in more detail and complex models. In future trust on supervisor and the culture of organizations can be checked as mediating variables between the association of OS and OCB.