Management (Foundation)
Aims of the syllabus The syllabus is intended to encourage the students to: Understand and appreciate the nature and scope of management and its role within the organization Understand organizations, the way they operate and the process of decision-making. Be aware that business behavior can be studied from different managerial perspectives and understand their significance. Be aware of the ethical, legal, social, moral and technological issues associated with managerial activities. Develop skills in decision-making and problem solving, the quantification and assessment of information, where appropriate, effective communication, leadership
Curriculum content Nature of management Leadership Human Resource Management Inventory Management Project Management Quality Control Management Financial Management
Assessment at a glance Continuous Assessment Paper Weighing 20% 40% Paper 1 1 hour / 40 marks Section A: Short answer questions Section B: Essay question Paper 2 1 hour 30 minutes / 40 marks Structured questions / Data response Paper 3 2 hours 30 minutes / 80 marks Short answer and essay questions, data response Continuous Assessment
Assessment objectives AO1: Knowledge and critical understanding AO2: Application of knowledge and understanding AO3: Analysis of problems AO4: Evaluation