Prešov region
Prešov region is a county in north-eastern Slovakia. Total area: 8,993 sq km Population (2013): 817,382 Density of population (2013): 91,07 inhabitants per km2 Number of Districts 13 Number of locations 666 (of which 23 seats)
Prešov is the capital city of Prešov region, located in eastern Slovakia with a population 92000th It is the third largest city in Slovakia after Bratislava and Kosice. It is also the seat of the Prešov Region, University of Prešov
Districts in the Prešov region Prešov Bardejov Humenné Kežmarok Levoča Medzilaborce Poprad Sabinov Snina Stará Ľubovňa Stropkov Svidník Vranov nad Topľou
Monuments in the Prešov region The most important secular monuments are Bosak house and Caraffa prison.
Population st population in Slovakia (Prešov, Poprad) and on the other districts that they are the least populated (Medzilaborce, Stropkov, Levo, Snina).st were first human settlements. He currently lives in this region more than 791 thousand. population (14.5% of the total population of Slovakia). Populous region is highly uneven. There are districts belonging to the largest population in Slovakia (Prešov, Poprad) and on the other districts that they are the least populated (Medzilaborce, Stropkov, Levo, Snina).
The Prešov region is among the more sparsely populated areas of the Slovak Republic. It consists of 642 villages and 23 towns. Of the total population, 54.3% live in cities (county seat Prešov occupies 92,786 inhabitants). The settlement structure of the region are represented all types of residential formations from Láznička settlements, rural communities, to small, medium and large cities.
• Prešov self-governing region is located in the north- eastern part of the Slovak Republic. It is among the most populous counties, and all of the Prešov region in terms of size, the second largest region of Slovakia.
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