2017-2018 Substitute Training
Notification for Substitute Opportunities Gilmer ISD is now using Frontline (formerly Aesop) Absence Management System for district employees to enter an absence and a request for a substitute. Frontline is an automated system that calls approved substitutes when a teacher has entered an absence and it has been approved by the principal. You are able to view jobs online or receive a phone call detailing the available jobs.
Frontline is now the platform that GISD uses for Absence and Substitute Management
Getting Started with Frontline Basic Training Video Advanced Training Video FAQ
Highlights of the Frontline Absence Management System You may select the campuses you prefer to sub on or you can be notified of a job on any of the four campuses The system has set times to call you and you can customize the days and times to fit your schedule. You can be informed of jobs via computer or by phone. A substitute history is kept in your account.
Gilmer ISD Substitute Pay Scale Teacher: Degreed certified teacher $80.00 Degree, non-certified $75.00 Sixty college hours $70.00 *High School Diploma $70.00 Long-term Assignments (refer to Substitute Handbook for definition Degreed $100.00 Non-degreed $80.00 Support Personnel (Paraprofessionals) $65.00 * Applicants who have less than 48 hours of college may only substitute under the supervision of a certified teacher (i.e. Instructional aide, Physical Education)
General Procedures: You must sign in and out daily on the campus where you are a substitute. Check in with the office when you arrive on campus to sign in and pick up any materials they may have for you. You must wear a badge at all times while on campus. Professional dress is required. Please ask about the campus designated day for jeans and spirit shirts as it may vary from campus to campus. Timely notification of a cancellation is important. If you cannot fulfill a job that you have accepted, please cancel it in the system. You may cancel the job at any time. If there is less than 1 hour before your job assignment begins, you MUST call the campus to which you were going to substitute.
The coordinators should be called ONLY in an Emergency. Campus Substitute Coordinators’ Contacts The coordinators should be called ONLY in an Emergency. Campus Contact Phone Number Elementary Kim Keeling 903-841-7708 Kim Kemp 903-841-7799 Intermediate Anita O’Neal 903-841-7800 Junior High Michelle Bethard 903-841-7602 High School Josh Barton 903-841-7509
SKYWARD Skyward is the software program that GISD uses to allow all employees access to view and print paystubs and W2 forms. In an effort to conserve paper, we do not print these documents; however, if you do not have access to a computer or a printer, you can come to the administration building and our Payroll staff will provide you a copy. Skyward has a mobile app that is available on most smartphones that allows you to view this information. If your phone is not compatible with the app, please contact your provider as we cannot fix the compatibility problems with our software. GISD will provide you with a Gilmer ISD email account, and an account for Skyward. We highly recommend that you use your same information when setting up your Frontline account to accept sub jobs.
Skyward Instructions: Skyward at http://skyward.gilmerisd.org/ Click Skyward Finance then enter your Login ID and password Paystubs Click on Employee Information Click on Check History under Payroll W2 Repeat Steps 1 & 2 above Click on W2 Information under Payroll Gilmer Independent School District
GISD Reminders You are responsible for keeping us updated with your current contact information. Frontline and GISD administration will use your gilmerisd.org email for communication (link is on the GISD webpage at www.gilmerisd.org). Your Frontline Absence Management System account will NOT be activated until ALL paperwork is completed for Human Resources. Save Frontline’s number in your phone so you recognize it if you want to receive phone calls 1-800-972-3767. If your assignment changes once you arrive at a campus, we appreciate your understanding and flexibility.
GISD Contact Numbers Ann Bradshaw Future Training Dates or General Questions: Dawn Harris 903-841-7406 Frontline: Rusty Ivey 903-841-7410 Skyward: Karen Holyfield 903-841-7489 Insurance: Thomesa Adkins 903-841-7427 Fingerprinting Questions: Judy Moore 903-841-7424 Payroll: Tammie High or 903-841-7428 Ann Bradshaw
Employee Resources Tab District Links Substitute Teacher Information www.gilmerisd.org Employee Resources Tab District Links Substitute Teacher Information Substitute Information can be found at
NEW SUBSTITUTES Thomesa Adkins-Insurance Ann Bradshaw and Tammie High-Payroll Judy Moore-Fingerprinting