How to become a broadcaster on television Mo’s Career Path How to become a broadcaster on television
My Career Goals I want to become a broadcaster on television by whenever I finish the education required To get there, I will need to: Graduate high school by June 2019 Attend some sort of university or college
What is a broadcaster on television? A broadcaster on television is someone who reports about current news 1. I will be researching a lot 2. Speaking in front of a camera often 3. Reading scripts and teleprompters
About my future career This job is done in a building The salary range can go from $40k to $100K This job doesn’t tend to have specific hours, it just depends on what time your part is airing on television
My job has a 10.2% chance of becoming automated It wont be automated because people are required to report news to the public But cell phones and mobile apps could mean that a lot of people wont watch the news
I am not quite ready for this career, but I will get there! These are skills for the job I still need to learn: Learning how to be quick This is how I will get those necessary skills:
This is what appeals to me with this career… I love talking about current events I’d like to be apart of the media industry Its simple to do
These are some things I find less appealing about this career… I don’t find anything less appealing
Potential obstacles to getting this career The possible obstacles: My plan to overdo obstacles: Limited job opportunitiues Stand out and work harder than the rest of the people Being politically correct all the time
The training/education required for my career is: The minimum education required for most entry-level broadcasting jobs is a bachelor's degree
I intend to go to BCIT for that career 3700 Willingdon Ave, Burnaby, I would take Broadcast and Online Journalism Diploma 2 year program $12,000
Financial Plan I am going to pay for my program by working a job and might get some help from my parents
High school courses required Two years of education in English in an English-speaking country with one of the following: English 12 (67%) or 3.0 credits of post-secondary English, humanities or social sciences (67%) from a recognized institution
Working in television is awesome!!! I’m excited to be apart of the media industry, im excited to meet people that ive grown up watching on TV, and im excited that this is something that I want to do.