G.C. Tallur (Former Secretary, PWD) Advisor, IDS Cell MEASUREMENT BOOKS G.C. Tallur (Former Secretary, PWD) Advisor, IDS Cell Monday, July 11, 2005 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Present Status Paragraphs 208, 209 of KPWA code Volume I, paragraphs 300 & 301 & Appendix VII of KPWD Code Vol II give detailed instruction about issue / use of MB & salient features are: 1. Payments for works & for all supplies are made on the basis of measurements recorded in MBs – Form PWG 27 in accordance with rules in paragraph 209. 2. MBs are very important initial account records 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Present Status (Contd…) 3. All measurements should be taken down in MBs & nowhere else. 4. Entries should be done at the work spot in ink to counter any efforts to tamper or extrapolate etc. 5. The official entering measurements will also work out & enter the figures for contents or area column 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Present Status (Contd…) 6. Measurements should be first taken by the subordinate in charge & checked by Sub-divisional officers & Divisional officers (AEE to check 75% in case of works costing Rs. 5000 or more & 50% of the works to be checked. EE to check 25% of the items. 7. All final measurements, irrespective of value, to be recorded by AE & AEE to check 100% for all works estimated to cost Rs. 5000/- & more if it is Departmental work & Rs. 25000/- or more if it is contractual work. EE to check 25% of the total value of work if the work costs more than Rs. 25000/- 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Present Status (Contd…) No erasures permitted. Mistakes to be corrected by drawing the pen through incorrect entry & inserting correct entry between the lines. Apart from measurements, the description of the item as per tender to be written by AE. Rules for Registration of Contractors make it mandatory for Contractors to engage technical personnel: A Diploma holder for each work of Rs.2 lakhs to Rs.5 lakhs and a Graduate Engineer for each work of Rs.5 lakhs or above 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Provisions in PWG 65 PWG 65-Clause 7(a), (b) state 1. Bill to be submitted by Contractor on or before 15th of each month for all items executed in the previous month. 2. Details furnished by the Contractor in the bill to be measured by the S.O.in the contractor’s or his authorized agent’s presence. 3. Contractor’s or his authorized agent’s signature to be obtained in the MB. 4. If Contractor does not submit the bill EE to get the work measured within 7 days of the prescribed time. 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
PSUs, Boards, Societies & Local Bodies MBs being used for recording works. MBs not being used in many such bodies for recording receipt of goods / equipments. Payments being made on the basis of verification of materials & invoices. 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Need for reforming the system The present system is archaic, time & effort consuming. The present system results in a lot of clerical work by technical officers. As a result, their time, which is better spent supervising works, is consumed in a clerical work. There are no consistent practices across Procurement Entities. 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Need for reforming the system (Contd…) The present system makes no use of the currently available IT technology. The present system is not in harmony with the e-governance. The present system needed reforms. G.O. No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 issued mandating reformed process 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Reforms as per the G.O No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 A uniform procedure for recording of measurements for works and supplies should be enforced in all the Organizations coming under the purview of the KTPP Act – 1999. The current provisions of the KPW Accounts and Departmental Codes shall continue to be applicable for all Works Contracts of value Rs. 25 lakhs and less; 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Reforms as per the G. O No. FD 56 Pro Reforms as per the G.O No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 (Contd..) For Works more than Rs. 25 lakhs, Contractors shall submit bills supported by hard copy of detailed measurements using electronic spreadsheets and making computations thereof. Contractor shall submit diskette / CD ROM in addition to the hard copy. AE shall take independent measurements and enter in the electronic spreadsheets and make computations thereof. He can make use of measurements given by Contractor in the diskette / CD ROM. Responsibility for the correctness shall be of AE, as prescribed in the Codes and Manuals. 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Reforms as per the G. O No. FD 56 Pro Reforms as per the G.O No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 (Contd..) Measurements to be checked by officers from the hard copy as per present stipulations, and computations be made accordingly; Countersignature of Contractor or his Agent be obtained on each page in the hard copy prepared by AE which shall be binding on the Contractor; The hard copies of the spreadsheets shall be bound, numbered and stored to be considered as measurement books, as per the Manuals and Codes. Index shall be prepared for each Work showing details of bills, measurement books and vouchers. Similarly the diskettes / CD ROMs shall be indexed and stored 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Reforms as per the G. O No. FD 56 Pro Reforms as per the G.O No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 (Contd..) For supplies – goods and equipment, invoices supplied with specifications, quantity, rate and amount sufficient. This shall be checked and inspected by the receiving authority and accounted as per normal accounting procedure prescribed by Government / Corporation / Board / Society / Local Body. Entry in measurement books not necessary 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
Reforms as per the G. O No. FD 56 Pro Reforms as per the G.O No. FD 56 Pro.Cell 2004 dated 18-01-2005 (Contd..) This order will apply prospectively and not for contracts concluded in the past. This order shall apply to all Procurement Entities. This order shall be appropriately incorporated in all Contracts. The contents of this order shall be included in the KPW Accounts and D Codes and other Manuals. 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell
THANK YOU 11-07-2005 Advisor, IDS Cell