A Z to From rooms and furniture
house house block of flats block of flats
Sofa armchair bookcase curtain bookshelf Sofa armchair bookcase drawer bath shower refrigerator bookcase bookcase curtain bookshelf
bed bedside table drawer lamp pillow rug wardrobe blanket Curtain bed bedside table wardrobe rug lamp pillow blanket rug wardrobe blanket
Children’s room
Sink cooker fridge sink cooker fridge
bathroom shower bath sink sink
Match the words with the pictures 10 g lamp armchair bath curtain bed wardrobe sofa rug bedside table drawer 1 j 9 f 2 h a 8 3 c 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) lamp b) armchair c) bath d)curtain e) bed f) wardrobe g) sofa h) rug i) bedside table j) drawer 4 b 7 i 5 d 6 e
My Bedroom Here is a picture of a bedroom My Bedroom Here is a picture of a bedroom. Do you know the names of the things in this bedroom? Can you label the picture? bookshelf poster bookcase lamp bookshelf pillow cd player blanket alarm clock
green blue green blue What colour are they? yellow brown red green green blue green blue orange brown red and green yellow yellow
Let’s listen to a song kids-songs-animal-house.htm