AFRICA Regents Review
Statistics Countries:53 Deserts: 8 Languages: 3,000 People: 1 Billion (1,000,000,000)
GEOGRAPHY Sahara Desert caused Isolation and Protection which in turn caused unique and original culture.
Geography Desertification or the spreading of the desert.
Geography Natural Resources: GOLD, DIAMONDS, SALT, IVORY
SOCIETY Religion: Animism and spirit worship. Ethnic Groups called Tribes. Loyalty to the tribe first. Many historic tribal rivalries, wars, massacres.
HISTORY Early civilization – Egypt, Nile River
History Early Trade Kingdoms Ghana, Mali, Songhai Existence is evidence of advanced culture prior to European arrival.
History “Dark Continent.” – Europe’s term for unexplored Africa. Racist European belief “White Man’s Burden.”
History of Africa Berlin Conference where Europeans created African borders while ignoring tribal boundaries.
African History Positives of Imperialism: roads, bridges, technology, schools, hospitals. Negatives of Imperialism: slavery –Middle Passage, loss of life, resources, culture, freedom.
Independence Movements (Post WWII) Jomo Kenyatta of Kenya Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana
SOUTH AFRICA British system of racial segregation Apartheid where the minority (white) controlled the majority (black).
APARTHEID Passbooks, curfews, separate facilities for the races. Civil Disobedience against apartheid: Nelson Mandela and the ANC, Steven Biko, Desmond Tutu, F.W. DeClerk.
Desmond Tutu Anti-Apartheid activist First Black Arch-Bishop of Cape Town, South Africa Supported an economic boycott of goods.
Steven Biko Anti-Apartheid leader Led Black Urban Students in Protest “Black is Beautiful” slogan
Nelson Mandela Anti-Apartheid revolutionary Served 27 years in Prison for his views Became President of S.A. from 1994-1999.
CURRENT ISSUES AIDS Crisis, tribal rivalries and genocide. Darfur (Sudan) – Arab vs. non Arab, fertile land Rwanda – Hutu majority vs. Tutsi minority.