Alcohol Issues in Santa Barbara By Adam Eversole Annie Huynh Jennifer Taylor
Motivation Use GIS to discover new spatial patterns and distribution of alcohol related activities in the Santa Barbara area. View and interpret patterns and find applications Increase safety and awareness regarding alcohol related issues. Do schoolwork on the weekends Satisfy curiosity
Objectives Finding a possible correlation between locations of distributors and law offences See how alcohol activities related to social factors such as age, race and various other factors. Describe temporal relationship to law offences Make findings available on web to public and law enforcers
Data Police Departments (UCSB from Officer Matt Bowman and IV Foot Patrol) Excel spreadsheet- with addresses, type of offence and time and date California ABC (Alcoholic Beverage Control, David Kurano) Text file for all alcohol licenses in CA – with addresses, license types, owners name.
Data Data from 176b: Santa Barbara streets (shapefile) Census (coverage)
Study Area Santa Barbara Goleta and Isla Vista area. With focus on police data in the Isla Vista and Goleta areas
Methods Geocode addresses Find Surface Density using Kernels We matched the information from the police data and ABC data to the street network. Find Surface Density using Kernels For distributors and incidences. Data Overlay for visualization A good way to familiarize yourself with data and visualize trends.
Methods (continued) Near Tool Attribute selection Joined the incidents and distributors to the Census data In order to find correlation graphs between demographics and locations. Near Tool As an alternative to Point Polygon and buffer (as originally intended) to find distance from incidents to the closest distributors. Attribute selection To create a temporal display of incidents.
Results and Discussion Questions to answer about Drinking Incidents? Where do alcohol related incidents Happen? Why do they happen where they do? When do they happen?
Geocoded Results
Incidents Map of IV
Surface Density of Incidences
Why do they happen where they do?
Only 15% Of all Incidents fell in areas where the population was composed of more than 20% Hispanic
73% of incidents fell in areas where more than 70% of the people where never married
Also 73% of the incidents happened in areas where people between the age of 18 and 29 comprised more than 70% of the census tract population
A Issue of Skew High percentages of incidents where found in Isla Vista where the demographics are young, never married, and predominately non Hispanic. The demographics of IV do appeal to drinking and partying. (obviously) What else?..
Skew of Density of Police Data. We had incomplete police data over the whole of Santa Barbara Incidents Missing from SBPD, CHP and Goleta Police Still more questions? Are police Geo Profiling in IV? Are they social profiling in Minority areas?
What is the Density of Alcoholic Beverage Distributors?
How Far are Incidents to Distributors?
A little Bit of “Tobler” 17% of incidents happened within 20m to a distributor. 28% happened within 100m. 74% happened within 209m (1/4 mile.) 92% happened within 401m (1/2 mile.) And one event happened near sands, it was the only one more than a mile from a distributor.
How Far are Different Types of Incidents DUI’s on average where 309 m away. MIP’s on average where 327 m away. DIP’s on average where 296 m away.
Take a look at larger area Relate Distributors to demographics Distance from Distributors Seems to Be a Factor for Producing Incidents. Take a look at larger area Relate Distributors to demographics Assume incidents follow proximity of distributors Issues with Distributors Volume of alcohol dispensed Vague license classification. i.e. liquor stores and markets are in same category
Half of Distributors fall in areas with more than 39% Hispanic
Half Distributors fall in areas where more than 26% of people where never married.
Half of distributors fall in areas where more than 28% are between the age of 18-29
When do Events Happen?
Distribution of Incidences by Day of the Week
Conclusion What we found from the study. Distance counts Demographics Locations tend to be in higher Hispanic populations areas Incidents tend to be in Areas with young singles Time of day and week, Saturday at 11pm is most popular time for people getting in trouble for drinking.
Saving More for the Future. Time We ran out of time to do everything we planned. As we discovered more we acquired more questions to be answered. Interopability More time and training to deal with data formatting problems within Arcmap and Excel. Acquire more accurate data. Better streets layer that is more accurate. More recent census data. More time to to get better records from law officials (2 out of 4 department is area not good enough)
Take surveys of Alcoholic distributors Still More to Do Help coordinate police data and produce a single working set of criminal activities for the region. Take surveys of Alcoholic distributors Better our classifications of store type Find Alcohol volumes dispensed. Possible GPS survey of drunks and cops. Make a predictive model.
Applications and Uses for This Study. Use for the University Post results in dorms for awareness Help stop alcohol abuse Provide help to people in troubled areas at peak times.
More Applications Use for police By general public Local business In general crime analysis For scheduling personal and patrols By general public How not to get arrested For general concern of safety Local business Advertising, store locations.
The End