Golf Company METL Assessment May 5, 2016
Overall Assessment Last Year 15 This Year 16 Academic P Not to Standard Military T Moral-Ethical Physical Fitness To Standard
Academic Assessment Not to standard Strengths Weaknesses Handful of upper-class with “open door” policy Freshmen class going to academic building during ESP Weaknesses Academics are not at top of priority list Out on galleries during ESP on phone Upper-class cadets utilize academic support center
Academic Assessment Cum GPA last year Cum GPA this year Class Absences last year Class Absences this year Number Academically Deficient last year Number Academically Deficient this year 1C 2.92 2.78 214 111 3 (1 Red) 2C 2.8 2.94 167 106 4 4 (1 Red) 3C 2.79 2.68 243 43 6 5 (3 Red) 4C - 2.74 180 75 3 (2 Red) Total 2.84 804 335* 15 (7 Red)
Academic Pillar Strategy Academic officer would “cash in” A’s on major assignments Individual counseling with Academic officer for struggling cadets Leadership team would monitor the divisions For next year…. - Have a “hands-on” academic officer Make deficient cadets go to mandatory study hall at academic building Have leadership team collectively police galleries
Military Assessment Not to standard Strengths A number of cadets swearing in this year Accountability progressively improved Golf’s performance during final inspections Kelly Cup Winners Weaknesses Taking parade and parade practice seriously Corrections during parade and parade practice Regt PT accountability/formation On time to formations
Military Assessment Avg parade results last year Avg parade results this year Class I Offenses last year Class I Offenses this year Suitability Boards last year Suitability Boards this year 1C 6.83 15.43 5 2 2C 4 3C 3 4C 1 Total 16 10
Military Pillar Strategy - Involve as many cadets as needed for MWF/TR MRI’s - Hold the PL/PSG accountable for their platoons - Break up cadets that talk to one another during parades For next year… - Have Drillmaster that is confident in front of Company - Try and instill pride within the Company to do their best during parades
Moral-Ethical Assessment Not to Standard Strengths Initial breaking of “Trailer Park” mentality Improved relationship between cadets, other Companies, and Administration Communication between leadership and Administration Weaknesses Taking pride in being the worst/not to standard Professionalism * A few cadets ruin it for Company
Moral-Ethical Assessment Number of honor accusations this year Number of honor accusations last year Number of “in violation” honor findings last year Number of “in violation” honor findings this year Number of sexual harassment/ assault incident reports last year assault incident reports this year 1C 1 2C 3C 2 4C Total 3
Moral-Ethical Pillar Strategy Directly involved with knobs development Building a working relationship with Company Finding balance between “Chris Aultman vs Mike Perrone” For next year… - Have it be a “team” effort It starts with the senior officer Instill making morally correct decisions into knob’s heads
Physical Effectiveness Assessment Not to Standard Strengths Company has desire to work out Number of cadets on remedial at beginning versus end of year Weaknesses Accountability for PT Morale at PT Maximum effort on PT test
Physical Effectiveness Assessment CPFT avg last year CPFT avg this year Number of CPFT failures last year Number of CPFT failures this year Number of H & W failures last year Number of H & W failures this year 1C 235 237 2 1 2C 219 239 3 4 3C 221 260 6 4C 240 252 Total 229 247 12 10 8
Physical Effectiveness Pillar Strategy Kicking in doors for morning PT accountability Use special leave, overnight and weekend passes to leadership’s advantage For next year… - Don’t do it all yourself, try to have AO/other leadership help Push for everyone to do their best on PT tests; not just minimum
Company Commander/TAC Comments Pleased with improvements of SMI’s A few cadets ruin it for Company Golf is going in the right direction In the end, it’s on the cadets that aren’t up to standard and cadets to hold them and themselves to those standards Current absences reflect only absences since CAS was operational