ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Advanced Workflows and Concepts Kevin Bedel & Nishi Mishra
Session Topics Overview Configure & Design Notify & Relationships Integrate & Geoprocess ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
ArcGIS Workflow Manager Plan & Create Execute & Manage Evaluate & Improve A framework for continuous process improvement ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Consistency Efficiency Secure Accuracy Automation Quality Productivity ArcGIS Workflow Manager Benefits Efficiency Standards Documentation Distributed Enterprise Ready Centralized Consistency Secure Accuracy Automation Quality Integrated Cost-Saver Visualization Usability Productivity Communication ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
ArcGIS Platform Web GIS ArcGIS Knowledge Workers Executive Access Public Engagement Work Anywhere Enterprise Integration Web GIS ArcGIS - Workflow management GIS Professionals Making Mapping and GIS Available Across Your Organization ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Workflow Manager System Framework Web Applications Server Desktop Administrator Application ArcGIS Pro Workflow Geodatabase Geospatial data ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Anatomy of a job Descriptive Information Activity Log Resource Geodatabase Version/ Geospatial Data Resource Geographical Area of Interest Activity Log Workflow ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Demo Introduction
Is vegetation growth encroaching on a rail line? Demo Scenario Is vegetation growth encroaching on a rail line? Survey manager GIS specialist Field crew • Create a workflow to • Update a versioned • Perform field work update a vegetation boundary Vegetation feature class • Verify job is complete • Create a job and • Notify field crews of assign it to a GIS pending work specialist • Send locations that need to be trimmed (including data) ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Workflow Manager Administrator Roles Basic Administrator Workflow Author Workflow Developer ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
SQL Basic Administrator ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Workflow Author ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Python ArcPy COM C# JavaScript Workflow Developer Python ArcPy COM C# JavaScript ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Designing Workflows Drag-n-drop workflow designer Step type library Create version Clip Imagery Prepare Inventory Update Documentation Edit Data QC Data Check Version Start Notify Drag-n-drop workflow designer Step type library Procedural Ask question Run executable Open file Launch URL Custom Execution paths ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Designing Workflows Create Workflow Version Exists Version Exists Start Check Version Version Exists Version Exists Create version Clip Imagery Prepare Inventory Update Documentation Edit Data QC Data Notify ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Designing Workflows Job Type Workflow Maps Properties Configuring Job Types Job Type Maps Properties ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Sharing Workflow Manager Desktop ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Sharing Workflow Manager Server ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Demo Designing Workflows
Notify and Relate
Notifications Job Spatial Email Alert ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
[EMAILOF([JOB:ASSIGNED_TO])] Utilizing Tokens [EMAILOF([JOB:ASSIGNED_TO])] ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Environment Variables Token Parsers Job Properties Extended Properties Spatial Notification Tokens System Properties Environment Variables Function ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Advanced Workflow Modeling Child Jobs and Dependencies Collect Data Create Map ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Advanced Workflow Modeling Child Jobs and Dependencies Create Map Create Map All Jobs Closed Collect Data 1 Collect Data 2 Collect Data 3 ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Integrating User Data Active Directory Portal Users Import users and groups from Active Directory Can repeat to get up-to-date information Portal Users Group in Workflow Manager WMXGroups Technicians Andy Jason Managers Charlotte WMXUsers Andy Charlotte Jason ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Demo Notifications Tokens Job Relationships
Integrate and GeoProcess
Integrating Business Data Business-specific data One-to-One or One-to-Many relationships Geodatabase tables Long integer field joins to job ID Meter Number Custom Properties Vessel ID Surveyor Info Station ID Parcel ID Job Type ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Integrating Business Data Configuring Extended Properties Create table in geodatabase Add as extended property table Configure properties for job type Extended Property Display Types Date Text GIS Dataset Files Folders Value List ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Advanced Workflow Modeling Geoprocessing Steps & Tools Provide parameter at runtime Use pre-defined parameters Output automatically drives workflow Invoke geoprocessing services Workflow Manager Tools ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Advanced Workflow Modeling Python API Manage Holds and Dependencies Repoint Map Templates Create Customized Jobs Manage Extended Properties Execute Steps Manage Job Properties Manage Attachments Manage Job Maps Trigger Notifications ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Integrating Geoprocessing into Your Business Processes
Advanced Workflow Modeling Python API Access Configuration, Jobs and Tools Edit Configuration and Jobs Execute Jobs ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Demo Extended Properties Integration Geoprocessing
Session Recap Overview Administrator roles Design and Configure Workflows Notifications and Tokens Advance Job Modeling Integrating Business Data Geoprocessing in Workflows Python API ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Resources Product Page GeoNet Forums Training GeoNet Forums Training ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Sessions and Demonstrations Esri Production Mapping: Automate Map Production With ArcGIS Workflow Manager Wednesday, 22 Jul 2015, 3:30pm - 4:15pm @Demo Theater 9 - Mapping & Visualization ArcGIS Workflow Manager: An Introduction Thursday, 23 Jul 2015, 1:30pm - 2:45pm @ Room 16 B ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
Sessions and Demonstrations @ Demo theater 6 - Geodata Island ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Tasks and Enterprise Workflows Tuesday, 21 Jul 2015, 4:30pm - 5:15pm ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Using Custom Properties to Automate Workflows Tuesday, 21 Jul 2015, 5:30pm - 6:15pm ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Integrating Geoprocessing into your Business Processes Thursday, 23 Jul 2015, 10:30am - 11:15am ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts
ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Advanced Workflows and Concepts Thank you… Session survey in your mobile app ArcGIS Workflow Manager: Advanced Workflows and Concepts ArcGIS Workflow Manager Advanced Workflows and Concepts