Complete Armour for Spiritual Warfare Search the Scriptures
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What is ARMOUR? Military word for special metal clothing soldiers wear to protect their bodies when fighting. Soldiers wear armour so that they are not injured or killed.
SPIRITUAL WARFARE Physical warfare: when a man fights another man. Spiritual warfare: when a man fights with the devil and his messengers. Friends of JESUS are always fighting a spiritual battle against sin, self, Satan and his demons. Ephesians 6:12
1. The Nature of Our Warfare (Eph. 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 10:3) Our BIBLE text tells us that a believers’ warfare with Satan is spiritual. You cannot use guns, knives or sticks to fight the devil. You can’t even see the devil. The devil is fighting you with temptations and trials so that a friend of Jesus will sin and disobey God.
Why are FRIENDS OF JESUS Fighting Spiritual Warfare? When a child is not born again, they always obey the devil, which means they are not going to heaven but a child of GOD is going to heaven, and Satan does not want that. So the devil fights born again boys and girls with SIN, PERSECUTIONS, SICKNESS, AFFLICTIONS and WORLDLINESS to make sure they don’t get to heaven.
2. Complete Armour for Victory (Eph. 6:13-24, 1 Thess. 5:5-11) Belt of Truth – verse 14 Breastplate of Righteousness – verse 14 Gospel of Peace – verse 15 Shield of Faith – verse 16 Helmet of Salvation – verse 17 Sword of the Spirit – verse 17 Prayer and Supplication – verse 18
1. Belt of Truth The belt is important so that other parts of the armour could function properly. Truth is an essential part of the Christian life. Jesus is the Truth (John 14:6) Are you ever tempted to cheat in a test? Then you need the belt of truth to help you to be honest.
2. Breastplate of Righteousness This piece of defensive armour protects the heart from arrows and darts. Righteousness is the Christian’s breastplate. If we live a holy life, this will protect us against the attacks of Satan.
3. Gospel of peace The soldier wears strong shoes of iron and brass to battle to protect his feet and make him stable. To be a good soldier, you must live and preach the gospel of peace to others so that they can be saved and make peace with God also.
4. Shield of Faith The soldier uses a shield to protect himself from arrows. The Christian can protect himself from the attacks of the devil by using the shield of faith to give us all round protection. Forsaking All I Trust Him
5. Helmet of Salvation The helmet is the strong hat which protects the soldiers head. A Christian needs to have spiritual vision to see where he is going. When you experience Christ’s saving power, then your mind and spiritual vision has been protected from sin!
The Roman soldier used a sword as his weapon for attacking his enemy. 6. Sword of the Spirit The Roman soldier used a sword as his weapon for attacking his enemy. The Bible, is the Christian’s sword. It is your weapon against the devil and sin. Read your Bible every day, meditate on it’s word, obey it and use it against Satan.
7. Prayer and Supplication A Christian should pray constantly. Jesus took everything to God in prayer at all times. You can pray at any time, in any place and about anything. WITH THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD, YOU ARE SURE TO HAVE THE VICTORY
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