Jennifer Lazzaro & Nipa Surati Join the Adventure! Blending Gamification and Personalization for Professional Development Jennifer Lazzaro & Nipa Surati
Why Change It Up? Our Goals: To model a blended learning model To personalize the learning pathway for participants To be competency-based, not seat-time-based To introduce some fun! MOVES TOO FAST MOVES TOO SLOW NOT RELEVANT TO ME TAKES TOO MUCH TIME THIS IS BORING!!!
What We Created Online modules Agent H videos Interactive Simulations Lesson Rubric Badging System Rewards Store
Current Stats 17 Online Modules 650+ Active Users 1800+ Tests Completed 235 Pathway Badges Earned 32 Certified Users
Participant Feedback “Excellent training! Was able to create my lesson on the HUB. The best situation because I was able to have help throughout the session.” “I loved the self paced work zone. I felt like my time was honored and my individual questions were addressed promptly and thoroughly. I wish this model was used more for teacher training.” “Hands on self paced training is the way to go! It lets the experienced people get it done without having to wait for others to catch up and it allows those who are having difficulty to get the individualized attention they need without the pressure of holding up the whole class.”
Contact US! Jennifer Lazzaro Program Manager @jlazzarohisd Nipa Surati Teacher Development Specialist @NSuratiEdM