Assessment Objective 7 WALT Understand the importance of health and safety in the workplace Identify ways to prevent health problems in the workplace WILF Students who show an awareness of health and safety issues and apply this at all times Students who have identified the ways of preventing health issues
“Has health and safety gone mad?” To Start... Look at the blog post titled: “Has health and safety gone mad?” Add your comments to the blog Support your argument with examples if you can find some
Health and Safety Health and safety is really important in today’s society. In the last decade the number of work days lost due to work place accidents and illnesses has decreased 26.4 million work days were lost last year 22.1 million from work related illnesses 4.4 million due to work place illnesses Stress, anxiety and depression = 10.8 million days Musculoskeletal disorders = 7.6 million
Days Lost 2000 - 2011
What rules should we follow when we’re thinking about health and safety? No wires around the room for people to trip and fall on Make sure electrical sockets are not being overloaded with electrics Make sure all electrical equipment has a safety test each year – PAT testing Ensure there is enough space for people to safely and easily manoeuvre around the room Obstacles should be hidden away Food and drink should not be placed near to equipment Heating and ventilation systems should be in full working order Work stations should provide suitable support for the machines and other equipment Staff should be aware of the safety rules Fire extinguishers should be available in case of an emergency Fire exits should be know by all staff and should be clear of obstacles
ICT Health & Safety Posture Eye Strain Stress
Posture This refers simply to how you sit especially in your computer chair. What problems can arise from poor posture? Back pain Muscle pain RSI What can be done to prevent these problems?
What kind of symptoms occur? Eye Strain This is one of the most common problems faced by computer users and occurs because people use a computer for too long or sit too close to it What kind of symptoms occur? Fatigue and tiredness Nausea Headaches and migraines Burning, itchy and watery eyes How do we combat this?
How can computers add to people’s stress levels? People get stressed but it happens to varying degrees and, at it’s most severe, can lead to serious problems for suffers. What is stress? How can computers add to people’s stress levels?
TASK: Health and Safety Issues Write an introduction focusing on general health and safety in the work place Describe the two different main areas of work related illnesses Include facts and figures relating to missed work days and why this could be a problem for the company and the economy Include a mind map of ways to avoid problems Write an introduction to ICT Health and Safety Write about the importance of good posture Describe what the problem is and why it is a problem Suggest a range of ways to avoid these problems Write about the importance of protecting yourself from eye strain Write about the stress