ISSUES RELATED TO THE FEDERAL RENEWABLE GOAL Federal Renewable Energy ISSUES RELATED TO THE FEDERAL RENEWABLE GOAL September 10, 2002 Anne Sprunt Crawley Federal Energy Management Program
Overview Definitions and Information Resources Next steps
Low Environmental Impact Hydropower Facilities EO 13123 – Sec 503c- Support efforts to develop standards for the certification of low environmental impact hydropower facilities in order to facilitate the Federal purchase of such power. The Low Impact Hydropower Institute created and developed definition with changes as of January 17, 2002
Low Environmental Impact Hydropower Facilities Low Impact Hydropower Institute certifies hydropower facilities with environmental impacts that are low compared to other hydropower facilities, based on objective environmental criteria.
Low Environmental Impact Hydropower – 8 Criteria (1) river flows (2) water quality (3) fish passage and protection (4) watershed protection (5) threatened and endangered species protection (6) cultural resource protection (7) recreation (8) facilities recommended for removal.
Low Environmental Impact Hydropower Facilities 4 Certified Facilities Stagecoach Dam & Reservoir, Yampa River, Colorado. Island Park Facility, Henry's Fork, Idaho. Putnam Hydropower, Quinebaug River, Connecticut. Falls Creek Project, Falls Creek, Oregon.
Incremental Hydropower Definition Hydropower capacity gained at currently operating hydroelectric facilities by increasing efficiencies and adding new capacity.
Incremental Hydropower According to a recent U.S. Department of Energy study, more than 4,300 megawatts (MW) of this "incremental" hydropower potential exists. Further, if generating capacity were added to non-hydroelectric dams, nearly 17,000 MW total of new capacity would exist..
Incremental Hydropower Resources Low Impact Hydropower Incremental Hydropower General Hydropower (DOE)
Next Steps Do we want to work to add Low Impact Hydro to EO Guidance now, or wait for new goal activities Discussion